
My aloe vera plant is dying. it is turning brown from stem up. what's wrong?

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it is a small plant and was doing well but now dying. Giving it lots of sun and watering sparingly. any answers?




  1. definately over watering,the aloe plant is such a high percantage water itself.It is dead easy to  over water. It requires almost no watering.Perhaps once a month.I am assuming it is indoors.A sunny position is a good idea.

  2. try watering with nutrients. your soils probably the problem child

  3. It sounds like it is getting too much water, leave it alone to dry out a bit, then it should come back.

  4. Might just be sunburn.   They "tan" in strong light.   Don't over water.

    If it were mine I would un pot it and check the roots.  If they are brown and mushy, I would  pull off what healthy "leaves" there are and let them seal for a day, then push them into some slightly damp soil and hope to root new plants.   If the roots are firm and white, just repot it.

  5. If a Aloe Vera plant was without direct sunlight for a period of time, and you put it in direct sunlight, the change could be brusque. These results the plant to turn brown to get used to the direct sunlight.

    The soil should be well drained. Consider mixing gravel into the soil for better drainage. Doing this, reduces the risk of over watering.

    For more information visit

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