
My amp light flashes protect right when i turn the truck on,it flashes one time,protect,but its beating hard?

by  |  earlier

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but it only flashes once,its not in protect mode,,but when i took the cable off the battery post i stuck it back on and it arked,(without amp bat wire),thats how i know theres no short in the amp,what could be wrong?




  1. sounds like it is just warming up its curcuits like all your trucks dash lights lighting up when you first start it

  2. When you crank your starter it draws a lot of power to start the engine, the protect feature on the amp is just sensing this large change in voltage and doing what it is supposed to do by kicking into protect mode. But when the truck is running the voltage is back to normal so the amp resumes normal operation. There is nothing wrong, nothing to worry about.

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