
My ancestor died on 9-15-35 and was 68 yrs 10 mos and 25 days old. How can I easily calculate his birthdate?

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Apparently the cemetery doesn't have date of birth information, just elapsed day information. I think you can do this in Excel, but I can't figure out how to do it. Can anyone help? Thanks!




  1. I got Feb 9 1866.

    If you really want to know, go to parish records, or see what is held in census records for the area, for the years 1865 - 1867.  He should be listed as an infant, and they will most likely have recorded his age in months.

  2. Your question wasn't stupid. I won't say anything like "slack-jawed ignorant clotpolls" about some of the people who ANSWERED it, though, because I'm too tactful, polite and genteel. Also "clotpolls" is an archaic word that few people would understand or use today. Useful, though, when you can't type "Sh*t for brains", which is a loose translation from the Elizabethan.

    has a utility and an eight-point list of tips and warnings. You can Google "Tombstone date calculator" to find a dozen like it. I admired this one's tips and warning list.

    Any decent genealogy program will have a calculator built into it. With Roots Magic you click on

    Tools -> Date Calculator

    The date calculator has three lines;

    Start date

    End date

    Years, months and days

    You fill in any two lines, click on "Compute" and it computes the third line for you.

    It got 19 Oct 1866 for your ancestor, which is close to some of the others offered here. Again, read that list of warnings in the first link I gave and note that the birth date is calculated. There are several ways to calculate, and we don't know which one your ancestor's stonecutter used. 19 Oct 1866 is probably within a day or five of the birthdate, unless the guy at the tombstone quarry was having a bad day and forgot to carry a "2".

    It is possible to do it in Excel, but you have to jump through a lot of hoops. Excel thinks the world started in 1888 or 1912, too; I have forgotten which.

  3. this site will help

  4. uhh... just use your brain.

  5. use a old calender. or use the calender on a wii

  6. I did this on paper but if you dont know you ancestor was born in 1867, November 20.

  7. subtract.  silly.

  8. people, it's not that easy.  This person has to take into consideration leap years and other things like that.  Use  a calender

  9. Easy... 1935


    Year 1873, Month October, Day 25

    Oct. 25, 1873 :)

  10. The date of birth of your ancestor is


    (By subtracting simply dear !)

  11. I just did the math and he was born January 1st 1866

  12. Simply subtract 68 yrs. 10 mos. 25 days from "9-15-35".

    1935 was NOT  a leap year, so you have:

    January: 31 days

    February: 28 days

    March: 31 days

    April: 30 days

    May: 31 days

    June: 30 days

    July: 31 days

    August: 31 days

    September: 15 days

    Or: 258 days in 1935. (8 months and 15 days)

    You need to go back 2 months and 10 days MORE than that, so subtract December, November (October has 31 days, minus 10 days is 21 October.) That would be 1934.

    Subtract 68 years from 1934 and you have 1866.

    So, 21 Oct 1866. (Give or take: different people caluclate dates differently...)

  13. Count backwards. 2 -16 -1866

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