
My ancestors were Hindu, but I'm Muslim.?

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I can't believe that they were idol worshippers, but I'm glad that they converted to Islam. My parents said that they converted after Muhammad died.




  1. Thats interesting!

    good that now you are among the Right ones!

    Thank Allah

  2. wow mashAllah that's good that tey found the true path.  May Allah swt bless the ummah. amin....x*x

  3. Salam for you my dear Shakila R.Fortunately you and you parents hsave converted to Islam so you are happy ..Your ancestors and maybe my ancestors too would be non muslims who worshipped to idols just like hindu people in your country,in India and also in Indonesia especially in Bali.

    They are not yet given guidance from Allah although the news about Islam have reached them.

    In line with Islam we could not make a dua(prayer) for our own ancestors who were non muslims.

    But anyone who converted his/her religion into Islam  all of his/her bad doings  made during his/her non muslim will be forgiven by Allah

  4. my ancestors were Hindus too but i have no idea when they or who turned into a Muslim, and please when writing Prophets name wright PBUH.

  5. well at some point of history, almost every one of us should have some  idol worshipers as distant parent...

  6. WE  r all b4 islam not muslims

    now we r muslims ALHUMDU LIL LAH


    Taslima Nasrin????

  7. My Dad's family is Hindu and therefore idol worshippers. But all that I really care about are my actions and intent, because once they Day comes, we're going to be on our own, explaining to God our actions and words. Nobody will represent me and I can't represent anyone. So basically what I'm trying to say is don't be too hard on yourself because your ancestors were idol worhsippers... everyone's were, some people's families still are----what's important is that you follow the Qur'an and Allah's holy word, Sister. Assalaam Alaykum


  9. thank God, alhamd allah


  10. The vast majority of Muslims ancestors were idolaters including the Arabs

    Indonesia is the worlds largest Muslim nation followed by India Pakistan and Bangladesh. These were Hindu countries before. This means that more than 1/2 the worlds Muslims had Hindu anestors but alhamduillilah found the truth

  11. Well, if your ancestors were Hindu, it is not their fault, it is most likely that Hinduism was the dominate religion in the area (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan) at that particular time. Also, remember that Islam was not in existence until the seventh century. What matters now is that they eventually did convert to Islam, and that you still follow Muhammad's message and teachings.

  12. Same here, probably everyone's ancestors were idol worshippers including the Arabs.

  13. thats good.....a large amount of muslims' ancestors were idol worshippers and later converted to islam

  14. there are many people like this, but as you said alhamdullilah they embraced Islam a long time ago.

  15. I know, my ancestors used to be Sikhs and they reverted to Islam about 200 years ago !

  16. As a Muslim you may be appalled that Hindus among others worship idols but do remember that the Hindu religion is one of the oldest in the world's and as a Muslim you must respect other beliefs regardless of your opinion about them.

    About them converting after Prophet Muhammad died is confusing to me because Islam reached the Indian sub-Continent a few hundred years after the death of the Prophet.

  17. so whats your point? its not a surprise..........alot of the muslim ancestors as heba mentioned were idol worshippers...but i think i see ur point...

  18. mashallah you and your ancestors are Muslim. That is great!

    One more reason to pray to Allah swt everyday=)

    By the way love your name

  19. i don't care about ancestors all i care about is my self and alhamdulilah Muslim

  20. ummm thats not really a question. glad you are muslim though! wahooo!!

  21. I think it's important to respect your ancestors regardless of what religion they followed. What's more important is what good deeds they did and recognise that without them you wouldn't even exist right now.

  22. Well first of  all thank ALLAH ALMIGHTY who has made you a muslim and i'm really glad that u r a muslim now.

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