
My anemia is not improving! please answer!?

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I've had iron deficiency anemia for at least 2 years now,

im 18, i dont have heavy periods, im not a vegetarian, i have a pretty balanced diet and my anemia is not improving,

doc says im going to have to be on iron pills for the rest of my life!!

why wont it fix itself, i always take my supplements, and im sick of being tired and weak.

i also faint very now and then and its really horrible. it happened to me the other day and im just so sick of it.

the doctors dont even do anything anymore, i've had all kinds of tests and i have no internal bleeding, ive had endoscopys, ultrasounds, abdominal ct and they cant find a thing so they just told me to stay on the iron pills and that they hope i feel better soon

its not good enough, its soo frusterating having to live with all these symptoms!

Any answers will be a great help!

thanks in advance




  1. You could ask your doctor if there is any way to find out why you are not getting enough iron.   If you are taking an oral supplement and it isn't helping, that's an indication that your intestines may not be absorbing the iron, and the underlying cause could be caused by a malabsorption syndrome.  There are many possible causes of malabsorption, and are a variety of treatment options  depending on the cause.  Finding a suitable treatment is partly trial and error, and you need a doctor that is willing to work with you.  At the very minimum, the doc should try giving you a vitamin B-12 shot along with the ion, and if that doesn't work, oral cortisone sometimes helps with iron absorption.  

  2. Dont be worry just continue what the doctors advice , live it in normal life go along always with your friend for you to forget your illness, Pray is the most powerful medicine just believe it. God Bless....

  3. I am anemic as well and needs to take iron supplements everyday. I think this is just sth you have to deal with. I also try to eat a lot of spinach and increase my red meat to help. See if increasing your iron intake will make the symptoms decrease - ask your dr. first. I take 2 to 3  325 mg. a day

  4. Megan- a few thoughts:

    1. I'm pretty sure your doctors will have done blood tests to confirm that in fact you are iron  deficient and that you do not have a "look alike condition" like thalassemia. The tests they should have done include: iron, TIBC and ferritin.

    2. Be sure you aren't taking something that will impair your ability to absorb iron such as an antacid, and make sure your doctors have considered chronic conditions that will similarly impair iron absorption: celiac sprue and pernicious anemia are a few that come to mind.

    3. You doctors could give you an intravenous iron infusion that will definitely replete your iron stores (ferrelict or iron dextran). The later has a small chance of causing an anaphylactic reaction and you will need to be observed during the infusion.

    Good luck.

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