
My apartment has termites, Can I protect my furniture from getting termites?

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I know my apartment has termites, I have seen them and they are eating all the way through the drywall and paint. I informed my landlord and so far he has not done a thing about it. Meanwhile I just bought some nice furniture, the table are made of wood (it is stained) and the framing of the couches is wood. Is there a way I can protect my furniture other than moving it out?




  1. If you pay for the extermination, you can have it deducted from your rent. You'll have to notify the owner by certified mail and do this ASAP. Record everything you have talked to your landlord about. Document everything for court, because it is inevitable.

    If your furniture is damaged already, there is nothing you can do about it. There is no way to protect wood from live termites.

  2. you can buy some stuff to spray around your house so the bugs won't want to come in because they don't like the smell

  3. Go to your local pesticide store and ask them for advice.  I just read an article in my local paper written by an exterminator.  He said that there is no reason for anyone to hire an exterminator because you can buy the poison yourself and apply it without having to pay for the mark-up and the labor the exterminators will charge you.  Maybe your landlord will consider this to save himself some money.  If something isn't done you'll find yourself living in the middle of a giant termite mound and he won't have a house to rent anymore.  Without some action on your part or your landlord's part they will find they're way to your furniture they'll eat away and multiply.

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