
My apartment just told me I can't have plants on patio railing; not in my rental agreement. ?

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The management team in my apartment complex just distributed a flyer on everyone's doors, that we are not to have certain items on our patios. I understand not having storage items, that's in my lease, but they hand wrote on the top that I couldn't keep my potted plants on the railing! But, the flyer actually says potted plants are okay; which is it? They say they can 'terminate tenancy' over this. But no where in my rental agreement does it talk about items on my railing!

"Patios are to be kept free of debris, cleaning materials and any other items which obstruct use of the areas and/or detract from a clean and neat appearance."

My plants (all 3 of them) are neatly trimmed and small. They will actually die if I move them away from the only sunlight they get. Do I really have to remove them?




  1. I would right the management team - and ask them to show you where in the RENTAL AGREEMENT - that you signed - does it say NO plants on the patio.  Inform them - if they can't show you that they need to STFU.

  2. If you want to stay there yes, you basically signed a thingy to say you cant have plants there. If not ask him or start sueing if you need

  3. ummm if i were you...which im not. id say umm F* them and do what i wanted until someone confronted me and then tell them to F* off and go look at my contract,

  4. Ask them to reduce your rent first, if not you lease the place and can do anything you want that doesn't harm or destroy anyone or thing, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and plants a common so you don't have to move them, and you may ask a lawyer for advise on harassment and civil law matters also SAVE the flyer you may need it for the wording. you cannot be forced to a catch 22.make sure you have a catch plate under them for over watering, you don't want it dripping on the down stairs neighbor even ask the neighbors if they mind, you could get a class act against them.

  5. Maybe they are afraid they might fall on someone. I would ask your management about the flyer.

  6. Talk to the management about the rationale for the flyer.  Is it a safety issue of them thinking the pots will fall over the rail & injure someone below or create a mess?  If that's the only objection, see if they would approve you repotting them as hanging baskets from hooks above the rail.  

    If there are other reasons, and there really is no wiggle room, then I guess you have to get rid of the plants, try moving them to another area and hope for the best, or find another apartment.


  8. What they are doing is preventing people with alot of plants on their patio from watering them on the patio and having the water drip down. Just water yours inside and bring them back out on the patio. If you tell them you are doing this then you should be ok but if someone complains that your water is dripping down then you are in trouble.

  9. I think the problem is the possibility that the plants could fall off and bean somebody below.  Maybe you can convert the plants to hanging plants that are on chains - they swing around but they don't fall.

  10. it may be a fire hazard as well. I would contact the management team and ask them to be sure. Explain the situation to them.

  11. Call the manager. She may not mean you.

  12. No. Sue if they try to remove you.

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