
My aquarium light is too bright? Can i use alumnium foil to cover up some parts to make it dimmer?

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cut little slits? This won't catch fire right? Is it safe? Or tell me your ways to make it dimmer without buying plants or buying a new dimmer bulb. Just simple easy ways




  1. You absolutely can, I covered half my light for my Piranha. You don't even need to cut anything out.

  2. no, it is completely unsafe.

    What you can do is just cover part of the tank

  3. You don't say what kind of light, i.e. fluorescent or incandescent. Either way, covering it will produce heat and would be a fire hazard. Also, the heat build up will probably be bad for the lighting fixture. Incandescent is hotter than fluorescent. Get plants or smaller wattage bulb(s).

  4. Simply add a in line dimmer switch to the lighting unit. Fast and cheap!

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