
My arabian mare is boarded at a farm that has an uncertain future so i went to find her a companion

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Jazzy, my arabian is mostly blind and she is recessive. When Abby, the paint mare companion that i found and got for her, arrived yesterday the farm owner and abby's owner's step father overrode everything I said and put her outside in the one pasture with the shetland(Dakota) who chases Jazzy and runs her into the ground. so when I was able to let Jazzy out of her stall last night, Dakota with Abby right behind him, chased Jazzy until Dakota was able to knock her to her knees. I had lead Jazzy around the feild on lead, Dakota didn't bother her, nor did Abby. But it wasn't until I walked away did Dakota go after her and Abby followed suit. I had wanted to leave Abby and Jazzy in the two stalls side by side for a day and then turn them out the following day. I'm not sure if Abby's going to turn around and like Jazzy now because she's buddy-buddy with Dakota and Dakota doesn't like Jazzy. I'm going to try putting the two out and change the groupings so that Jazzy is back with the gelding that she does like (a morgan gelding and a welsh class c mare) and put abby in with them and give her a few days to settle back down. Abby's old owner said she'd take Abby back if it doesn't work out. I have the farms horses in two groups of four. (Dakota, Eeyore, Abby and Jazzy/ Jody, Spudley, Butter, Beauty) right now, and before it was Eeyore, Dakota, Jody and Butter all together with Spudley, Beauty and Jazzy in the other feild.




  1. If this is your horse, why have your plans for its accommodation been over-ruled?

    The previous owner's stepfather doesn't actually have any right to make these decisions. As for the farm owner, it sounds like you have been allowed to group the horse as you like before now, so take him to one side and ask him why his policy has changed. Either way, if you own these horses, you have the final say in how they are kept. You can move elsewhere if they cant accommodate your horses in the manner you wish.

    As for the problem of Abby buddying up with Dakota, she's still new to the group, so her allegiances shouldnt be too fixed.

    I think putting her in a field with Jazzy and the gelding is a good idea, especially if Jazzy and the gelding have fielded together before. If Abby is the newcomer to a friendship pair, she'll think twice before bullying Jazzy, especially given that the other horse is a gelding, and so less likely to provoke jealousy.

    Good luck!

  2. Man that would really peeve me!! What an idiot to do that to you...he had no right....Its good that the previous owner said she'd take her back....jeesh! I can feel your pain, i had an 18 yr old appy mare who was hit with moon sister's horse ran her through the electric was a disaster! We finally bought a mini-donkey for her and she loved it...also it was protective of her if we put her in the pasture for the night, it would make sure she was of all, we adopted the donkey, so we saved the little guy!! If the paint mare doesnt work out, i would def. recommend a mini-donkey...they are sweet, protective & cute!!

    Sounds like if you change up the herd turn-outs you may have a better out come tho!!

    Good Luck

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