
My arm hurts what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i went to help my dad build a deck today and we were outside from 10 am till 4 pm and basically the entire time i was hammering nails.. now my arm hurts like it's been broken and my hands have really bad blisters i don't know what to do it's a really bad pain and it's getting worse help! D:




  1. my advice is to go to your docyor for a pulled strained or torn

    muscles aspirin will probably not help do not wait it will probably get worse I am going to be a doctor soon    sincerely future doctor

    my diagnosis is you haven't used those muscles for a while, or over

    using them, the blisters are from holding the hammer all day and should leave in a couple days, the muscles are probaly torn, pulled, or strained, put some ice and heat on it, don't use them very much, they will probaly hurt for a couple more days but after sleep and everything, if it gets worse, contact your docter.


                                              Dr. Megan

    if the pain is senere or missapen?if yes contact your doctor immediantly!!!!!!!!!if not you may have pulled a mussle or torn a tendon or ligament. hopefully it will go away. good luck! dr.

  2.     Well it's understandable why your arm hurts and why you have blisters. I think anyone's arm would hurt after hammering all day. Do you have any hot heating pads at your house? Those always help me when I have sore muscles. Hope I helped. Good luck to you!

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