
My arm shakes most of the time can you help please?

by  |  earlier

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but i can stop it but wen i relax it starts again




  1. SEE A DOCTOR! Are you on any med's? Do you have mental health issues? There are all kinds of ?'s that need to be answered to give you the right answer. Sounds like when you think about it you can control it. when you relax you lose control over the affected limb. I have had this issue but I was taking some really heavy prescription med's. Once again go see your doctor and make sure you are honest with him or her.

  2. the main reason for this disorder is mental stresses,as I was told by my doctor(you know,I have the same irritating problem..).Some times these stresses are just about your work,your study things,lovelife and family problems..things like this.some times it is caused by watching provocative images or videos, great way to stop it,free of any medicine,is playing sports,on a regular basis.You need to free your mind of what is bothering with it,and doing a sport is just fit(with all the endorphins and happy feelings!).taking cold water showers is also very helpful.if you m********e,you need to stop it.

    I wish you a perfect health,a happy life,and a very very firm hand!good luck.

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