
My arms been hurting any ideas why?

by  |  earlier

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My arms been hurting for like 2weeks now and I don't know why its all down my left arm shoulders to hand it feels pretty numb and it kinda hurts I don't know why, I haven't done any heavy lifting or anything to stress it any ideas how stop it and what it is be great thxs.





  1. I'd go to the Doctor if I were you.

  2. I think you should see your GP asap as pain in your left arm can relate to the heart. It can be one of the first signs of a heart attack, now don't panic I'm not saying that's it as it has been going on for two weeks but see your GP it could be pain from a trapped nerve to a chipped bone?

  3. You dont say what your job is. You could have repetative strain injury or trapped a nerve. Why not see your G.P?

    My link may or may not help.

  4. A good Chiropracter is the one to see. Chances are something is pushing on a nerve and the longer you leave it the more of a long term problem it will become.

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