
My art teacher invited me to his wedding,i want to buy him a gift but i don't know what,?

by Guest66742  |  earlier

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i need this to be affordable but i have never gotten a wedding gift for anyone befor so this is all new to me.




  1. Ask if he's registered somewhere, then pick whatever's affordable from that list. Failing that, my mother always recommends a lovely photo frame. What couple can't use a lovely photo frame at some point, eh?

  2. He is your art teacher. He would love nothing more than if you used the artistic skills he has been teaching you to make him something!

    If you are not the greatest artist in the world, buy him something that he and his new wife can use or something from their registry that is within your price range and then attach a home-made card.  

  3. A wedding basket shouldn't cost you more than 50 dollars...try Bed Bath and Beyond.

  4. How about a book on marriage?

  5. If you really don't know them (the couple) a card and money that covers your and your guest meal is typical.(depends on the wedding)

    Most (not all) gifts are done at the shower. Usually the wedding is more money. The bride and groom make up for their expenses or honeymoon money.

    Ouside of that.. no clue. I have never given an actual gift at the wedding..

  6. Why Not Try To Find A Nice Art Book Filled With Pictures Of Famous Art Throughout The World.

    I'm Sure His Future Wife Would Also Have An Appreciation For Art & She Would Enjoy It Aswell.

  7. Wine glasses are always good-a tree if they have a garden-some people have a gift list-you can find things on these ranging from a wheelbarrow to a can-opener.-You could frame a painting of yours to give-i would really appreciate that if i was your teacher.

  8. Gift cards to Bed, bath, and beyond or Walmart.  Also check and see if they are registered somewhere.  You can usually find affordable gifts on gift registries.

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