
My attorney just withdrew but the judge did not give me an exact time to get another one ?

by  |  earlier

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how much time do I have ( its an auto accident)

the judge said for me to get another one but the insurance company is saying they want to settle with me

I cant seem to get another lawyer right away

what should I do? and how long do I have?




  1. You can certainly see what the insurance company is offering. If it is acceptable you may not need another attorney, with whom you would have to share the settlement (prob 1/3)


  2. Request for a postpone for the hearings of the case until you have another lawyer to assist you.

  3. You need to figure out why your attorney withdrew, and find an attorney who will give a rough opinion on the value of your case.  If you can't get someone to do that, you either live at the north pole, have a crappy case, or scare the bejeezus out of lawyers for some reason.  

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