
My aunt Called Child Services on me, out of spite...

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what Should I expect them to do?

What happened was, two days ago I called my grandma and aunt (they live together) and asked them if they would watch my son for a day. I wasnt feeling well, and my other aunt (the one that called CPS) found out my son was there and flipped out. She says I dump him off there and it has to stop. Which btw, he is not there all that often.

So she wrote me a letter saying she called CPS and told them that my house was smelly and my son wasnt taken care of....

If this seems hard to believe, i understand, but she is crazy like this and has tried to take me from my mom and gave her own kids away before. She just hates happy people and IS this way....thats all i can say....

So what do they look for when they look at your house, I have nothing to hide, but I want to pass with flying colors.




  1. If you have nothing to hide, then you will be fine.  Obviously you can tell them the history behind your aunt.  But be polite about it, don't get defensive or anything, and try to stay calm.  Your aunt also could be bluffing.

  2. they are looking for a clean and healthy environment that your child can grow up in. dusting,vacuuming,do dishes, neat in appearance.squared away.

  3. They will interview you, perhaps the neighbors, probably your mom and aunt and write up a report which you will probably not see.  Relax.  It's in the bag if you're honest.  

  4. I don't think you need to worry. My brother's ex called CPS on him when they were going through a custody battle. The guy came over, looked at the house, checked the cupboards for food and that was about it. My nephew had just been picked up from daycare and was dirty from head to toe, there were toys all over his bedroom floor, there were still dirty dishes in the sink from breakfast and everything still turned out ok. So while I don't blame you for being scared- I'd be terrified, I really think you'll be fine. I'd get a restraining order on the crazy aunt in the meantime. What a nut.

  5. if everything is ok don't worry and actually this is not the first time someone calls cps just because they don't like the mom so I'm sure if you tell the case worker that u know who called and why and that u r sorry or what not he/she will let it go.

  6. They will look in your fridge and cupboards usually to make sure you have food in there, make sure you don't have trash laying around, look in your childs bedroom to make sure that it is safe with a place for them to sleep. They will ask lots of questions and look to take note of if your house is overly dirty (they don't care if toys are out or books or even paperwork just not trash).  They might want to talk to your son if he is old enough to talk but either way they will want to see him.  They may ask you about if you trust your grandma and aunt watching your son.  They will ask some very personal questions usually but just cooperate and answer the best you can.  Usually as long as your house isn't really messy and considered unsafe and you have food in the house and your son looks to be healthy they won't do anything else just right there report and be done.  You can explain about your aunt and they will put that in your file so if she ever calls on you again they know.  

  7. if they feel there is a need to investigate they will either just show up or call or write you a letter to set up appointment. It doesn't sound like anything too serious. They don't like taking kids away. Clean your house if needed but it doesn't have to be spotless. They expect normal lived in houses especially with kids. I would suggest finding a new sitter though or eliminating sitters if you can. And start keeping a log or calendar of every day and time your child is with a sitter. Worse case scenario (if they think the house is too messy or smelly) they will give you so many hours or a day to clean it and they will return. They are looking for extreme mess like rotting food on counters, many days of dishes piled up, overflowing garbage cans, animal f***s on floor, floor littered with dirty clothes.  And make sure you have basic food for children.  

  8. Make sure the house is clean, there is plenty of food for the child, and the child is well and happy. Then you should have no problem with CPS.

    I would show them the letter she sent you and tell them that she has some "mental problems". They may take a copy to put in your file - then if she consistently contacts them they will know she is wacky!!

  9. Shame on your Aunt for wasting so much time, when those case workers ought to be investigating real cases of child neglect and abuse!! It is not even her business if your Grandma is babysitting!

    Besides, if you left your child in capable hands, and in a safe place, that is not neglect. Come on-people do it everday and call it daycare.

    Every house has a smell to it, and CPS workers know this. Obviously, if yours smells like urine and f***s, there will be raised eyebrows. As for your son not being cared for...there has to be eveidence of it. They will check him out, and see if he is "starving", or appears to be neglected in some way.

    If you have nothing to hide, you will pass with flying colors.

    It really just makes me so angry when people call CPS out of spite or some other reason other than real abuse. Tell your Aunt to stay out of it, and stop crying "wolf"...

  10. They will make sure that your home is free of health hazards. They will talk to the kid. They will find nothing. Don't worry. Be open and honest.

    Your aunt, she needs to eff off. That is total BS. I would write her completely out of your life and so should her mom and sister. If it gets worse, get a OOP.

    That's why REAL cases of abuse are put off and not investigated quick enough, because of hysterical people calling for any or no reason at all. IT's like the police being too busy to arrest the rapists cuz of all the jay walking complaints.

    Common sense, people!!

  11. First, CPS will show up out of the blue, usually though within 24-48 hours of them getting the report. They will ask to come in, and ask if you know why they are there. They write down a lot of stuff, and they will make note, if you tell them you know your aunt called and the reasons behind it. It sounds like you don't have anything to worry about!

    I had to go thru it because my daughters dad and mom both called, even though they reported it anonomously, when I told CPS that they both were mad at me because I decided to move out of state, with my other daughter and fiancee, they were going to do anything and everything to make me stay. And when I explained that to the CPS lady, she understood, and told me to go ahead with the court system, to get permission to take her out of state. Which I had planned on doing that already. She just wrote it off as people trying to get revenge somehow. And she also stated that if any more calls come in they can be investigated for false reports, which can be a chargeable offense for fraud!

  12. They will come in and talk to you. Look around your house and make sure it's safe, and that your son isn't dangerously under or overweight without a medical reason. They may also check to make sure you take him to the doctor for his well baby appointments on time. Also that your house is clean, your child is bathed, and that there is food for him.

    If you are a good mom, you have nothing to worry about. Good luck!  

  13. If you have nothing to hide then don't worry about long as your house does not smell like c**p and its clean and there not trash every where and your son doesnt have bruises all over him and there food in the house you will be fine!

  14. They check out your house with permission of course. What they do look to check out the house and your child. If they don't see anything wrong like your aunt has said then they won't do anything. And your aunt can get intro trouble for giving wrong information to them.

  15. well since you know what she told them is a lie you have nothing to worry about. you can even have your aunt (not the one that called of course) and grandma speak for your behalf. when they see that it was a lie they will throw it out. and maybe you should recommend the entire family getting your aunt some help there is no reason for her to be call cps on you she has problems

  16. If they have not shown up yet, they might not at all.  CPS usually comes out the same day.  If they do show up..they will chat with you and look around.  They will drop the case and close it if nothing is wrong.  I wouldn't worry.

  17. If you have nothing to cover up clean up or hide not to worry........I wonder why you ask this in the first place if you have none of the above, you must some what nervous, if you had nothing to be nervous about, you would be laughing at her stupidity, and the time cps would waste coming to your home...........I'm not making accusations, I'm just pointing out that if you have no need to don't worry!

  18. Exactly if you don't have anything to hide, you don't have to worry about it! Just make sure everythings in order an if your son is happy an has everything he needs & there is no reason for them to say anything.

    Good luck

  19. don't worry about it..just make sure your house is **** n span and that your baby is ok...and then when they ask you something, tell them that your aunt is crazy and has mental issues

  20. Just clean your house and make sure there aren't any electrical, mechanical or other dangers throughout the house.

  21. If they haven't showed up yet then she may be bluffing.  

  22. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about. It will be basically an open and shut case. They will check to see that your house is clean, possibly that you have food, and most importantly, that your child is not being abused. They may want to talk to him alone. Just give your home a once over, maybe bake a nice batch of chocolate chip cookies to make the house smell yummy and will all be O.K.! :)

  23. My mother in law did this to me also. She actually told my partner that if they didnt take the kids from me now, that they would take them away for good. So basically she came and stole them for a night/ Human services came, asked a few questions and then really apologized for wasting my time. Said the issue isnt me as a mum, its an issue between my mother in law and son. So many lies she made. Claimed I went to hot my son who was 2 weeks old at the time. I was distraught to hear this, as even now (4years and 3 years) i have not smacked them once!! Unbelievable what some people do! Dont stress, human services will most likely apologize for wasting ur time also.

  24. Just make sure it's clean and tidy.

    If your child is around the toddler age, make sure things are baby-proofed --- like baby locks on cabinets with chemicals, baby gates up where needed, etc. Make his room look like a fun place to hang out -- have his stuffed animals around, etc.

    Don't make it look like you just cleaned and picked up because she was coming. Leave a few toys around, but not to the point where it's cluttered.  

  25. They are going to look at:

    - cleanliness of your home

    - cleanliness of your child's bedroom (bed linens clean, clean clothes, no dangerous things in the room like window covering cords hanging down low)

    - age appropriate food in the house for your son to eat

    - dangerous chemicals up high or locked up... medications kept out of reach... stuff like that

    They will also look at your child if she made up any kind of physical abuse. Give him a good bath and a big meal. If you have nothing to hide you will be fine.

  26. If they want to talk to your kid then I would make sure he knows to tell the truth and if they sound like they don't like what they see then tell them about your aunt and what shes tried to do to you and stuff. You should be FINE!

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