
My aunt claims that my family is Polish royality....?

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Is there anyway to prove this? She could be making it up to make my family sound more intersting. Is there ANY way to prove this.




  1. Try researching your family tree yourself. I did see some proof to my aunt's claim that we had royal and noble connections in my family.

  2. Your aunt MUST have given you names of the "so called Royals" in the family---if so,  do a search on the internet for ANYTHING that might be written...  google just the last name and if ANYONE with those names is royality, it should say so in the research that you find.... THEN,   you may have to do a little work and write to POLAND but you can find out birth records and marriage and death records of people of that name and see if MAYBE one of them  was a descendent of your Aunt,....

  3. my bf mum claims they are part of the british family (some past king had an affair with a maid and there you go) i thinks its a load bs but let her think what she wants. i think if you were your family would drfinitly be aware of this fact as its something you would tell your chirldren etc....

  4. There is a site for Polish Nobility where all these clowns claim to be of royal descent etc. They all had huge estates and serfs until the commies came. A total bunch of losers! Do a search under "Polish Nobility Association." Good luck---

  5. It is possible.  You should look it up.  I have a friend who is a descendant of William the Conquer.

  6. research your family tree. it'll take time, but it's worth it

  7. It's possible - you'd have to do some research into your ancestors to prove anything.  You'll have to go pretty far back, though - the last independent King (i.e., not counting rulers of other countries that conquered Poland) was Stanisław August Poniatowski, who abdicated in 1795 when Poland was partitioned between Russia, Austria, and Prussia.

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