
My aunt is suffering form Vitreous Detachment - what are the chances that she might lose her vision?

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she has noticed floaters or cobwebs in her right eye, but no light flashes as yet. The ophthalmologist has given her medication and believes that it will become ok in the next 6 or 7 weeks. But my aunt is scared like h**l that it may lead to permanent loss of vision (at least in her right eye). Do you think she is being too unnecessarily afraid, or is she correct in her fears?




  1. Don't you mean Retinal Detachment?  Vitreous is the fluid that is inside your eyeball, a sort of clear, jelly-like fluid that only minimally replaces itself.  If you don't have enough Vitreous fluid, you cannot see, especially if it becomes cloudy for whatever reason.  My son lost his vision in his eye because he lost too much vitreous fluid due to an injury.  Then he got an infection in the vitreous fluid and now has no vision in that eye.

  2. I  have  the same problem and the Doctor said that happens as we age.I had to avoid sports for only one week and went back to do anything I wanted.I still have floaters,flashing lights,cobwebs.I go back every two years to the ophthalmologist .If the  detachment  becomes very bad then laser surgery is done.The Doctor never even said anything about loss of vision

  3. 98% of vitreous detachments have no long term consequences  for the eyes, barring any residual floaters.

    2% of vitreous detachments also have early retinal detachments,  which is why all sudden "floaters and flashes" need checking, to pick up that 2% and deal with it.

    Once that's been checked for and passed OK. there really is little to worry about.

    In the absence of sudden new symptoms, no action or treatment is required.

    The eyes can get into trouble for other reasons as they age, but once having had a vitreous detachment, the eye is not more vulnerable as a result.

  4. Vitreous detachments are incredibly common. I see them every day in my practice.  They are more annoying than harmful.  As pedestal mentioned, some progress to tears in the retina or retina detachments.  The process generally takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete and the floaters should get smaller and less noticeable with time.  Your aunt should pay attention for any increase in flashing lights, a sudden increase in size or number of the floaters, or a curtain/veil that seems to block part of her vision beyond what she has experienced to date.  Otherwise, I check my patients back at 6 weeks to make sure all is well.

    To put it in perspective for you.  I see this every day and in 10 years, I 've sent only 10 people to have the retina treated for tears.  All of them were fine afterward.

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