
My aunty got a kitten yesterday and toold me to bring my kitten over Do you think they will get along?

by  |  earlier

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My kitten is 7 months old and her kitten is 2 months old




  1. They should do.

    Although, when i got a kitten last year, my other cat hated him, but i suspect it was jealousy.  

  2. Make shure that the kittens do not have any diseases before putting them together!!

  3. Yes, I think so, all kittens like to play with each other.  

  4. After a while they will get along. Cats are territorial and they identify each other by their smell. If they smell different they will hiss. Please keep them in a carrier when transporting and when he is old enough, get him to a vet for vaccines and neutering.

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