
My autistic grandson is 10.. has 6 can i include everyone in games and things?

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My autistic grandson is 10.. has 6 can i include everyone in games and things?




  1. modify the game to include a step the 10 year old can do-even if it's pointing to a picture of an animal to sing old MacDonald-

    I know a pair of siblings (1 with autism, 1 without) the child with autism can sing eiei-so when we sing the song-the child without autism does the animal sounds and the child with autism-finished with eiei

  2. I have four children, the oldest is autistic.  We choose activities that they all can enjoy.  Treat the autistic child like they are part of the family.  It is so easy for them to get left behind, especiually if they are severely autistic.  Treat autism like its a part of normal life for your family and the siblings will grow up thinking the same way and will, of their own accord, include the autistic sibling in their activities.  Perhaps if your grandson is severely autistic, everyone could take turns being a shadow for him and help him feel included.  Autism makes it hard to process feelings and communicate those feelings.  So naturally feeling frustrated could be an overwhelming feeling.  Physical exercise (running, bouncing, and crawling) helps my son when he is overwhelmed by a situation and starts to act up.  Deep pressure helps too. My son loves his sleeping bag.  When your grandson has a breakdown or is over-timulated, he just needs to get those feelings out and process what he is feeling.  Its OK if he can't do everything that everyone does.  I am sure you can't either.  It is OK too if he has special activities that are just for him and you to do.  The needs are the same, but they are hard to see.

  3. To include your grandson you may have to make some modifications to the way you play the game so that he understands and is able to play.  When doing things always find a way to include him, it may be a challange, but I am sure you will figure out a way to do it.

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