
My avg says a bin file is missing how do i find it or fix it?

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My avg says a bin file is missing how do i find it or fix it?




  1. yes its working

    some bug was in the bin and so its cleaned and working fine now

    dont panic like i panicked


    try it again  

  2. Me too. Just to add to the general 'everyone has got the same problem'.

    It's all AVG's fault.

    Some problem with the update.

    Sigh. Second time I'm seeing a problem with the update. Ah well.

    As Fob819 said, they'll fix it soon, don't worry :)

    Till then - we're all missing bins!!! - AAAA! =P

    Edit: I just tried to update it again today - it seems to be working now. No missing bins or cans. Try updating your AVG again now :)

  3. no you dont thers a guy called lucky answering this question and it works .. go to your avg icon open it go to tools then to update from directory..  documents and setting  click avg then avg8 then ok this will fix for now hope this helped.  

  4. u highlight your file and press your right mouse and click restore..

  5. Problem solved, it is working now. I have just gone to update & the problem has been resolved.

    I didn't do anything bar wait patiently for AVG to sort their prob out. So don't worry about uninstall/reinstalling & wasting download space etc. ;-P

  6. relax. this has been happening to almost everyone running avg today. i've seen sooo may questions asking this same thing.

    they'll fix it hopefully. soon.

    i think it's a problem with the update...

  7. download AVG it is very good virus scanner and work automatically on your computer and remove trozon horse which is very bad virus scanner

    Install and Run ONE Antivirus Program

    --AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition

    --Avast Anti-Virus Home Edition

    --Avira Anti-Virus

    if you want other virus scanner to remove anti spyware then download this

    Install and Run Anti-Spyware

    --Spybot Search and Destroy

    --Spyware Terminator


    if you have problem with AVG try this

    nstall and Run System Optimization tool

    --Ccleaner (Strongly Recommended)

    --Advanced WindowsCare

    --Glary Utilities

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