
My b-friend and I are both aquarius. Are 2 aquarians compatible?

by  |  earlier

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Any of you in the same position? In what way are we compatible? Thank you.




  1. The only  thing you can predict about aqurians is that they r totally UNpredictable. This is the sign of fixed air-hot tempers, wacky ideas &  far out behaviors. You guys are cool, reasonably fair, & loyal.  You're gonna have ups and downs like  all couples, try to be understanding of each other-oh and don't just talk w/out interruption-that makes everybody wanna murdr you.

  2. Based on typical astrological definitions, Aquarians aren't super compatible, or uncompatible.  If you go along "opposites attract", this makes particular sense.  Also, if you believe most Aquarians share similar traits, you might see that similar personalities can sometimes clash.  No matter how much faith you might put into astrology, though, it's ultimately up to you and your significant other how the relationship works.  Give a try for more detailed relationship info.

  3. yes it could work

  4. they say that this one doesnt last long, but it is fun while it lasts, but i would say if you two put a little bit of communication and love, i think your relationship well work just fine

    good luck.........

  5. I don't know if you mean best friend or boyfriend but one of my best friends is Aquarius and we get along really really well, most of the time at least. When I disappear for a little bit she completely understands because she does the same exact thing. We have the same sense of humor and get each others' jokes. The only time when there's a little strife is when I need a little compassion or sympathy. I'm a LOT more sensitive and emotional than her so I have to turn to my other best friend for that but otherwise we make great friends. We immediately felt at ease when we first met.

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