
My baby's antibiotic made her sick. What do I do?

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I'm living in South Korea. The medicine is totally different here.

Last week my baby was really sick. After several days of a high fever (the only symptom), the doctor prescribed antibiotics. We gave her the medicine for a couple days, but it made her feel sick and she started refusing to eat anything. We were so concerned and her fever was down, so we stopped the antibiotics. She started eating again immediately.

She also developed diarrhea, which I thought was from the antibiotic, but she still has it and we haven't given her medicine for two days. Now her fever has started again. I'm not sure what to do. Should I give her a smaller dose of the antibiotics? Is there anyway to make it so the medicine won't make her sick?




  1. I would contact the doctor, or bring her to a hospital.  She may be allergic to the antibiotics.  Not to mention if you stopped the treatment, it won't help her.  You need to complete antibiotics in order for them to be effective.  

  2. Take her to your family doctor! Someone you trust!

  3. What antibiotic? Some are so harsh! I am not sure what to tell you besides you need to see a doctor for another opinion. Good luck!

  4. im not amother or anything

    or have the least bit of knowledge in babies but im intrestead...

    she might be allergic to it

    and haveing tthose symptonms


    i would advise you to go to your baby doctor and see what he says


    sry not that much help

    but i hope he becomes healthy

  5. She needs to be seen by another doctor. Get some meds sent from where you lived before. If I had to I'd travel back to whatever country I was from to ensure she got good medical care, I would. I pray she gets better! Please take her to a doctor again. She probably needs another kind of antibiotic. I don't think giving her medicine she's already reacted is a good idea. You could make it worse doing that. Take her to the doctor now. (Or hospital if she has a high fever - better safe then sorry)

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