
My baby's fingernails,....?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed the other day that his ring fingernail is pulling away from the nails bed starting back by the cuticle. There is no bruise or anything like he smashed. Over half the nail is lifted off and is being held on by the lower half. Now his thumb nail is starting to do the same thing. Any ideas?




  1. If its more then one finger, Id defiantly be talking bubs to a doctor as they may be an underlying cause for this. Saying this though, maybe he got his hand stuck somewhere, my son caught his finger in a  door, and the nail didnt fall off until several months after he did this.

  2. It sounds like a nail virus / fungus, a doctor will prescribe an anti fungal cream.  For more on baby / toddler info see

  3. Hmm.. not sure, I would call his pediatrician though.

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