
My baby's teeth look like they are getting to much fluoride, or is it just me?

by  |  earlier

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my daughters is 8 months old, and has 6 teeth. I was looking at them up close today and I noticed that they look a little blotchy.. is this normal in children? she isn't on fluoride yet.. she wasn't able to be seen at her 6 month check up, so we just got her shots.. but she will be getting the fluoride in a week or so.. anyway, i brush her teeth with infant tooth paste.... no fluoride in the tooth paste, and from what I hear there isn't fluoride in the water (tap water) what can be causing this? or is it normal for the teeth to look this way for a while?

I try to remember to brush her teeth twice a day, but sometimes my husband forgets, or i forget.. but they are always done at least once a day..




  1. Babies start getting fluoride with their vitamins from the age of 4 months.....

    The blotchiness could be decalcifications....are you giving her any thing other than water at night....

    No milk or juice in the bottle at night...

    Limit the juice...water it down....

    NO SODA  ever!

    Make sure you brush the teeth..

    and bumps to the teeth can cause that too..

    Questions further...go see the dentist.

  2. Did she have a fever when she was very young?  I've heard that can make babies have splotchy teeth.  My brother has little white spots on his teeth and he has pneumonia when he was a couple of days old.

  3. You're baby is waaayyyy too young to recieve flouride. At the dentist office we don't let children under 4 have flouride and if they are 4 or older they have to be able to fully spit it out! it's EXTREMELY toxic if ingested. Baby teeth are usually alot whiter than adult teeth, and blotchy is common if you are concerned show a children's dentist. But stick to the toothpaste you are using WITHOUT Flouride.. hope this helps

  4. Just relax. You are already doing a lot but remember brush baby's teeth at night and it is very important. Floride treatment is not done for such a young baby because if floride is ingested, it can cause toxicity to the extent that it can be lethal that is why it is not recommeded to even use floridated toothpaste till the age of 4 years. The whiteness of baby teeth is normal as they are whiter than the adult teeth. The blotchiness is just because they are more white. for more information on children teeth you can visit the following link

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