
My baby 6 months old,doesnt want to eat anything but something sweet, is it ok?

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my little alex is 6 months old, i tried to give him rice cereal mixed with his formula, he didnt like it, i tried carrot,green bean,pumpkin, sweet potato,but he didnt like em, so i tried to give him mash banana or pear, now thats all he wants! is there any specific food that i have to give him for his first solid food? is it ok to feed him fruits alot instead of vegetables?




  1. Babies are just like the rest of us. We like sweets.

    Traditional parenting wisdom says give em veggies first, before fruits or you end up with exactly what you're describing, a baby who won't eat anything but sweets.

    The solution isn't that difficult. Just be patient and don't be quick to give in. Yeah, at lot easier than said. Here's a tip, however. Babies like texture to their food (also like us) and they like to handle things so letting them gum on some soft veggies off mom's plate can help.

    Another thing that helps is to just introduce one new food at a time and stick with it for awhile until baby learns to like it. New foods are an acquired taste. Think of how you might respond if you found yourself in a foreign country where they had all this weird and disgusting food. It would take you time to adjust to the new foods.

    Alex sounds perfectly normal. More likely you're a first time mom and just anxious to be a good parent, give him the best start in life, etc. I think you'll do just fine.

  2. my daughters 5 months and i find she prefers sweet, she spits savoury out!! I give her baby rice and porridge and blend some fruit into it, although my daughter did like mashed potatoe, i just boil up one potatoe, then mash it up with her milk to make it creamy, it must taste a bit familiar with her milk being in it, i added some blended cabbage to it but she knew lol and spat it out!! Its a game of hit and miss with kids, oh and dont buy the jars of food, they are gloopy and dont actually have much taste, its easier and cheaper just to make some, or buy the boxes, ya can make up as little or as much as u want, and ya wont have to chuck half a jar away lol anyways, dont worry, as long as your childs weight is ok and its healthy and happy, thats all that matters....good luck hunni (sorry for the rambling, get a bit carried away x) xxxx

  3. i think it takes something like 7- 10 tries with a new item before the baby takes it and will accept it.  try mixing the pear or banana with the cereal for him to take it.  Also, breastmilk, baby's first natural food is sweet.  Regardless of if you are giving him formula or breastmilk, for this reason it really doesn't matter which foods you start out with, as in veggies or fruits (some people believe you must give veggies because fruits are too sweet and then the baby only will want sweets/ fruits).

    Carrots and sweet peas are a bit more sweeter than, say squash, if you want to try that.

    Remember texture could have something to do with it.  Also, just because most of the food comes out and doesn't seem like any goes in, it doesn't mean baby didn't get any.  Its a messy biz feeding a baby.  He could be making weird expressions because its unfamiliar.  Keep trying.  If it looks like he genuinely hates it, stop, but at the next session, try again.  He suddenly could like it as he recognizes it.  I did at first, for example, carrots for four days, at lunch and dinner.  (breakfast was the cereals, really cereal was my babies first food, as I mixed the milk with it.  first a watery consistency then gradually thicker as I knew he could handle it).

    Keep trying with the veggies, he'll soon get it.  Make a balance with the veggies and fruits.  after a while I'd always give a veggie as first course then a fruit as second course, once his tummy was big enough.

    And remember that it possibly could have something to do with what foods you ate or avoided during pregnancy.  For example I hate eggs.  can't stand em.  I never ate them during pregnancy.  Now that my kids are old enough to give eggs, they still wont eat them.  No matter how I prepare it, what else I put in it, they absolutely won't eat it.

    Keep at it- its exhausting work!  Good luck!

  4. I know they are supposed to have 2 servings of fruit and 2 of veggies but dont try too many foods? I did and mine throws up alot I think she became allergic because I tried too many too soon! Try sweet potatoes. I read somewhere that it can take 20 tries for a baby to finally accept a food. Just keep trying! He will take it eventually! Veggies are very important!

  5. At least hes eating somthing and as long as the feed dosent contain a lot of sugar he will be ok. Try to give him other food gradually  

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