
My baby boy is 18 month old ! I had left him with my mum bz of my job!I'm bad mum?

by  |  earlier

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I feel bad about the sitution! What can I do !




  1. No you're not a bad mum! You're working to pay your way and your son will be spoilt rotten :o) It'll do you good to have a break from each other as well.

  2. No, you're just doing what you have to do to earn money. Its very natural to feel guilt when you have to 'abandon' your baby even if he is in good hands , with your your own mother.

    Try and use this time to  find a job that will allow you to take care of your son.

  3. Do you mean you left him for the day with your mother?  If so, then you're not a bad mother.  If you mean that your mother is raising him, then it's really time to look for a different job.  Plenty of people have jobs and still raise their own children; I'm sure you can do it as well.

  4. Do you mean 1) your mum is minding him or 2) bringing him up

    if its the 1st then no your not a bad mum, your mum isn't a stranger so she is perfect to mind your child

    if its the 2nd and you have abandoned him for work then yes you are


    OMG just read your additional details...........800 miles away from your son all because you cant find a good nursery, you need to get your priorities right

    Get back to your son and find a different job, one that allows you to act up to your responsibilities

  5. That doesn't make you a bad mum, loads of parents do this, it's necessary to make ends meet.

    You are being responsible by working to give the little one a better future and showing him that he needs to work to get anywhere (ok, maybe a little young now but the effect on him in later years will be beneficial), and you care enough to worry about the situation; sounds to me like you're doing just fine.  It's not like you've left him with a stranger either, don't fret, just keep doing your best and show him lots of love and teach him right from wrong; that's all we as parents can do.

    I couldn't imagine being that far away from a baby so tiny, I would re-train if I had to so that I could work locally, leaving baby with Grandma for day care is one thing.

  6. do you mean your mother is raising him?

    if your mom is raising him, you should take the time to look for another job so that you can work and raise your child.  people take their children to day care all the time and its normal, so there is nothing wrong with your mom helping (not raising)  i just think parents not grandparents should raise their children.

  7. i dont understand your question

  8. i think its better to leave him with a relative than a stranger at nursery. my mum looks after my boys whilst i work part time and they love being spoilt by nanny!

  9. just keep working! I know how you feel...I cried and cried but then felt better once I saw he was I am a stay at home mom again...with another baby...well she is 2 now, and my son is 4 but I feel sad about going back to work in the future...I am trying to hold off til she is in kindergarten but with the economy the way it is. I'm gonna have to get a job :(

  10. Surely there's other options? It can't be that hard to find a job in your area or your mums area so that she can look after him in the day and then you evenings and weekends? It must be hard for you though if your only ption really is to leave your little boy, I could never imagine doing something like that, it would kill me to be away from my little one!

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