
My baby does not want to use her toys but she wants to play with my makeups how do I handle this?

by  |  earlier

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My baby does not want to use her toys but she wants to play with my makeups how do I handle this?




  1. Its probably because she sees you putting on your make up and she wants to do it to. You can buy "fake" makeup for little ones that are actually only all plastic (including the lipstick etc), maybe buy her some of that so she can play with those, and there is no mess or stealing yours LOL.

  2. Hide them!

  3. How about you teach her the word "NO" and put them out of reach.....

  4. give her something similar to make-up like crayon or textas

    or maybe even buy her  her own make-up kit, that way she doesn't use yours

    lol :)

  5. what game is this from ? well she did post this in the game forum so we would a sume it from a game she playing thank you very much  for the thumbs down  !

    buy her toy make up   can find it in any toy shop some they are fake to real kind so make sure you pick the right one

  6. Keep away all your make-up.  Dont let your baby see it.  Maybe she`ll show her interest in her toys again. Give it a try.

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