
My baby doesn't like to be cuddled.

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My daughter doesn't enjoy being cuddled.

She is seven months old and in a kind of squirmy stage now, so i think that plays a part in it. But ever since she was born she hasn't really enjoyed being cuddled. I read things about babies falling asleep with on mommy or daddy but she's never done that with me.

She's fallen asleep on daddy a few times when she was just a couple of months old but that was rare for her.

When she's tired she prefers I just put her in her crib, where she'll just roll over and go to sleep. Even when we're out somewhere when she's sleepy most moms would rock or cuddle thier baby til they sleep, she prefers to nod off on her own in her carseat or on a blanket on the floor.

I try to give her lots of hugs and kisses but she just squirms and pushes me away or turns her face.

Will she be independant like this when she gets older? Or will she eventually become more cuddly? I crave baby cuddles!




  1. My 4 month old baby has never had that issue, it's kind of the opposite. So look on the bright side-  there are some benefits to that! My baby will hardly EVER fall asleep on her own without a lot of coaxing and rocking and standing and bouncing, and is very likely to wake up from a nap if I put her down instead of holding and cuddling her the whole time. She will sit in her swing for about 10 min then wants to be held by someone again right away. I wish she would be a little bit more independent like your baby! :-)

  2. Emma was exactly like your baby.  I researched it and came up with things like autism and attachment disorder.  It really freaked me out.  From the time she was about two weeks old she would cry if someone picked her up.  She always prefered lying down and has always liked to take naps in her crib.  I cannot rock her to sleep.  The only downside to it is she is a bear to try to get to nap if we are out someplace and she is on my lap.  She is nine months old now and will sometimes let me rock her if she wakes up too early from a nap.

  3. I crave baby cuddles badly too, but my son has never been a cuddler (only when he was newborn). He is the same way (almost a year) and only falls alseep in his crib (alone) or in his car seat. If I try to rock him or cuddle he pushes me away. When he is tired, he wants to be left alone. So anyways what I'm saying is its normal, don't worry. Actually, you should be happy. My friend has a 2 year old son who still sleeps in her bed and she cannot leave him with anyone or else he looses it. So this independence is actually harder on mommies than babies :)

    If Im seriously craving a cuddle session, I wait until he is dead asleep then I pick him up and rock him in his room with the lights out. Try it

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