
My baby doesn't seem to like the child health nurse. please read on.?

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I have this child health nurse come and do home visits, to weight and measure my baby every month, there abouts. She just comes to see how the feeding is going and all that kind of stuff. But every time she comes over, my daughter is in a good mood, until the nurse holds her and handles her. The nurse is nice to her, but she all ways screams and cries at her for no reason. She doesn't do it to anyone else. Just her.. I first thought it was because she doesn't like to be weighed with her clothes off. But yesterday, we did it with her clothes on. and she still cried, and i mean she really cries with lots of tears. i don't understand it. What do you think about this? i'm personally thinking she just doesn't like her. (i don't know why) But i'm not really sure, because when the nurse first arrived at my house yesterday, my daughter was happy and smiling, until the nurse took her off me and had her in her arms. She cries every time with only that nurse. she's not like this at the doctors, only when she gets needles (naturally) of course. what do you think? i'm so unsure of this. Please some advice and options would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

(oh, if this helps, my daughter is now 4 months and 3 weeks old)




  1. Id switch nurses.  

  2. I agree w/ the above answer. Babies and young children are very good readers of people and will try and express that to you even though they are not always able to communicate verbally. I would say switch nurses until you find one your baby is comfortable w/.

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