
My baby girl is 1 year old and her weight is 18.5 pounds. Is too little weight for her age??, or is fine?

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Her Dr is little concern about it. She was 7.03 when she born. Her height is 28 inches. She is 10 % of her weight now, before was 25%.




  1. Same situation and doctors told me not to worry she is fine thats not too bad of course she was 5pounds 15oz when she was born so she was on the small side and I guess always will but maybe you child should be weighing more but she will be fine unless she looks skinny and not eating enough. If you know your feeding her and she is a good eater and she has some fat on her dont worry she will be fine.

  2. my daughter weighed about the same thing when she turned 1, n her doc. said she a little underweight but not to worry about it and she iz a little short but i think they both will be ok, az long az you cant see their ribs

  3. The doctors say that a babies triple their birth weight at age 1. So as long as she fits somewhere close to that then she is fine. My daughter weighed 7lbs. at birth and when she was 1 she weighed 20lbs.

  4. She's fine, My son was 7.14 when born,he;s 2 now and weighs 28 lbs. Our doctor says he's fine and doing well,he just has a fast metabolism. I guess he;s lucky, since he eats like a horse!!!

  5. I would say that if her pediatrician isnt concerned  I wouldnt worry about  her   as long as she is growing   you cant put all babies on the same chart   they are just basic guidelines

  6. She is on the smaller side, but still completely fine

  7. she is under wieght

  8. She is fine.  My daughter was 18 lbs 15 oz at her 1 year checkup.  I believe she was around the 23rd percentile at that weight.  But that is fine, as long as she is steadily gaining weight  :)

  9. As long as she is following her growth chart, she is just fine.  I know they may slim down alittle when they become mobile.  If you are concerned, try feeding her more cereal.  My son is long and thin for his age but he is following is growth chart, so the doc is not concerned, plus every baby grows differently. No worries!!

  10. I think around 20 is average so she may be alittle small but if she eats alright I would not be overly concerned. Some kids are little. My kids are big and weighed 24lb at 1 but they are big for their age.

  11. it's fine...she is in the lower percentile...but if she acts healthy...she is good to go

  12. Ask her pediatrician!

  13. It depends on how tall she is.  If the pediatrician didnt say anything about it then dont worry.  My son is 6 months and weighs 17 lbs, but he's also 28 inches long.

  14. I usually think of a one year old as being about 20lbs, so your baby is just under this average weight. Go with your gut on this one, if you think she eats enough, or maybe she is tall or just petite then don't worry. All my kids were about this weight and tall for their age at one year old so don't let the Dr. worry you.

  15. She is fine. She is just petite!

  16. completely fine!!!

  17. depends on how tall she is.

  18. my niece weighed like 23-27 pounds at age two i think ur daughters just fine

  19. I think your girl is completly fine.

  20. fine

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