
My baby girl is 18months old and has not yet started reponding when you call her name. Is this normal?

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My baby girl is 18months old and has not yet started reponding when you call her name. Is this normal?




  1. This could be a cause of concern or there could be a simple reason as to why your daughter doesn't respond to her name. Could it be that she has many nick-names? and is confessed as to which one to answer to?

    Has she had a lot of colds, ear or sinus infections? This can make it difficult to hear. - It's like an adult having a cold, and your ears get clogged. It happens to children too.

    Or there could be more concerning reasons as to why. Does your daughter respond to any sound?  Try banging pots together when she is not looking, and see if she reacts to the LOUD sound.

    If she is a healthy 18 month old. Then, start teaching her name. You can do this by calling her name, and when she response give her a lot of attention. Hugs, kissing, work well.

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