
My baby girl is so constipated her bottom bled when.....?

by  |  earlier

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passing a poo. I had to help her get it out by putting pressure on her perinium as it was stuck fast. She tried so hard and was screaming and screaming in pain and distress. The bleeding has stopped now, she split her bottom though. :-((

How can I stop her getting this constipated again?

She is 6 mths old and we only started weaning her 4 days ago and so I know why it is happening but giving her more liquid in her diet didn't help...obviously. (I have been giving her extra breastmilk to try to stop this happening). I won't be giving her any more banana, apple or pear for the min that's for sure!

All ideas and opinions welcome but only constructive critisim please.




  1. Are you giving her any sort of Formula milk? If yes, then may be it's little too concentrated for her.Why dont you try some baby food in the super market with green leaves or carrot suitable for 6 month olds.try giving her some carrot paste(home made) and mix it with her cereals or just directly. two teaspoons must be just fine for her....ones a day. i hope this helps.

  2. My daughter has this problem (though not quite as bad).  I use movicol.  Stick a sachet in her evening bottle.  Works well for her.  Hope it helps you.

  3. giving milk is like giving extra food.

    try giving her some cooled, boiled water with her solids.

    that should help soften things up.

    poor baby, hope she's ok soon

  4. you can try a suppository. i used half of one and it worked within 1/2 hr. just a suggestion, but try only 1 different food each week. i have heard that banana is one of the worst ones to start with. next time you try maybe just start with the apples then the next week if she is ok with that then try something else. maybe even giving her a few ounces of water would help. some people say no water, but when my daughter was that age and constipated i gave her a little bit of water and it seemed to help also.

  5. My niece was also constipated as a newborn. My sister got a suppository from the pharmacy and it worked within 20 minutes or so.  My niece had been constipated for maybe 2 days. The suppository looks like a q-tip.  Ask your pharmacist though before you try anything.  What may have been best for my niece may not necessarily be best for your daughter because of the bleeding.  Good luck!

  6. You can give her some baby prunes, or some pear juice diluted with water might help her pass some p**p.  I would also call the doctor to see if they can suggest something over the counter to relieve it like a supository.  It could be the type of formula also, the change in her diet is probably causing it.  Good luck, I know it's hard to see your baby this way.

  7. my daughter got constipated when I started her on pasta, not so much fruit. I did the soap trick. I know it sound terrible. You widdle a soap bar until it is about half and inch on one end. So it looks like the eiffel tower, you don't want it to thin though. Then you stick the thinner end up her bottom, just a little, while you do this she will p**p. You really don't want it to be too thin, cause it could break off. It's a more natural way of getting her to poo. Things you can do to stop it, take all foods out of her diet except cerial. Then start introducing them one by one, If a food makes her constipated then you know that her belly isn't ready for it.

  8. I read your edit to your other question about the formula.  You are having the exact same situation as I did with my son.  I have some really helpful information for you, and I need a way to get it  to you.  You can email me on yahoo @  The Isomil is not going to work.... I'd love to give you more information... that I know will be helpful and save your baby a lot of pain.... Hope to hear from you soon....  Tiffany

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