
My baby green parrot?

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She is 2 months all now and learned how to fly, but she still didnt learn how to crack sun flowers or eat anything other then the baby solution that i use to feed her since she was born.

I bought her so dont ask me about the parents i am the parent now.

Please tell me how to teach her to eat sunflowers

give me a list of good parrot healthy foods like seeds and vegis and fruits.

Thanks dont give me websites




  1. Birds should not be weaned before 7 weeks, usually about 8 weeks. Before weaning the bird off hand-feeding, keep close watch to see that the bird is actually eating adequate amounts of pellets on its own and not merely nibbling at the food. Handle the crop to determine the fullness and check the breastbone for degree of muscling. A weaning bird may lose as much as 10% of it's weight normally. Any more than that may be an indication of a problem. It is recommended that the bird be weighed regularly through this period.

    When first weaning the bird, give them pellets, as these are a nutritionally complete and balanced diet for the bird. It is a good idea to keep an older bird in a cage next to the cage with the young weanling to teach them to eat through mimicry.

    If the baby birds are not weaned, they will become "spoiled" and will not eat on their own, preferring to be hand fed. However, if they are weaned too early, they will not eat adequately, gradually lose weight, become weak and die. Therefore, if baby birds are begging to be fed, even after they are weaned, there may need to be a reversal back to hand-feeding as they may not be eating adequately.

    Buy some pellets.

    Buy some small seeds, and sunflower seeds.

    Crack one open yourself and give it to her and you really need to try getting another bird to show it how to eat seeds. Do you have any friends that could let you borrow their bird? Also I think this question should be best asked to an avian vet, they know all the stuff. So look in the yelllow pages and find an avian vet and call!

    Good luck with your bird!

  2. With any experience l had with baby birds,  winging  you introduce them to soft foods before you stop formula l used, thawed frozen corn frozen peas the reasoned for frozen is that you don't use enough of the fresh to keep it fresh, also use fruit flavored cheerios and regular Cheerios and millet and small avian fruit pellets.... Some birds that young even though they are flying can't crack sun's yet but days and weeks are a long time to a bird and can change at any time and it isn't important that it eat sun's any how...........

  3. I had to handfeed and wean my Indian ringneck. Sometimes they take a while. Usually it is around 9 weeks that they will wean. Try giving him some grapes before you feed him the formula. I cut them in half and offered him them or mashed potatoes.This will help them start to eat solids.  Keep a bowl of cockatiel seed in his cage for him to munch on.  It will take babies a while to realize how to open the seeds..and which parts they are supposed to eat.

    In the mean time buy millet sprays and attach them to the sides of his cage where his perches are. So that when he goes to sleep and when he wakes up...the millet is right there for him to eat. Offer him some grapes or mashed potatoes or watermelon each time right before you go to handfeed him. It has to be a food that he can easily tear with his that young they have not learned how to use their beaks yet. Let him eat some of the soft food...and then offer him his formula. Once you see him eating more soft food and millet, and if you see he's eating some of his seed can cut out one of your feedings per day. Make sure you buy a cockatiel mix. They won't eat all sunflower's not good for them to anyway.

  4. i would try taking the seeds and cruching them a little so they are partially opened. this might make it easier for your parrot to learn hpw to crack seeds on his/her own

    i hope this helps

    good luck : ]

  5. Yes, we need to know what kind?

    If it is a Parrotlet(these are very small - finch size) then they typically do not eat sunflower seeds. Only thing my breeder Plets will eat are Parakeet Seed and ground up veggies/fruits/corn muffins.

    Generally they do figure it out by themselves though all of my babies have figured out how to eat on their own but they are with other birds.

    Try cracking a few open and leaving them, shells and all in the food dish. But if not then don't worry, some birds have peculiar tastes. If your trying to wean her then give millet spray. They sell at pet stores for 3 sprigs for $1. And at Wal-mart you can buy them in packs of 8 to 12.

  6. What kind of parrot is it?  Is sounds like a small conure to me.
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