
My baby growls...........?

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My 13 month old started doing this thing that sounds like a growl when he was about 8 months old. My hubby thinks it's pretty funny, and actually gets him to do it sometimes :) It seemed like the first time he realized he could do it, he just went wild!! He doesn't do it nearly as much as he used to. Usually he's doing his usual babble, and it just comes out of nowhere:) He has been saying Mama, Dada, No, and Stop for a while. He also tries to repeat things that I say, like when I tell him to "lie down". So, I'm not concerned about his speech. He's a happy baby, and it never appears as if he's doing it out of anger. Just wondering if anyone else has a baby that growls.




  1. i think it's normal for kids to make funny noise esp when they have not learnt to articulate properly (:

  2. he'll be fine

  3. ya my daughter did that when she was younger its just something they can do.

  4. My baby bro growls dinosaur in a funny voice.

  5. My daughter growls and makes a monster face. It is so cute!!

    Pics of my little monster!!

  6. My 12 month old does the same thing. When she makes that sound we tell her 'no' or ignore her because it's not a nice sounding noise.

    I call it her 'Darth Vader' voice.

    I asked her doctor about it and the doctor said it's just baby's way of making noise, figuring out the noises/sounds she can make with her voice.  

    If baby not having troubling breathing and is babbling and saying other words, doesn't appear to be sick or not in pain, she's fine.  

  7. Awww it sounds cute! :) My Sis Gracie hisses like a snake or squeals at as lol it's adorable.

    My lil cousin did growl tho it was kinda like a raspy growl

  8. Yeah. I usually throw her a raw steak.

  9. how cute

    lately my daughter has a thing for snorting like a pig but you have to laugh about it it's so cute

  10. my daughters number one nickname is monster because she does nothing but growls!!it is so funny

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