
My baby guinea pig tends to nibble lightly on my fingers. When she grow's up will she stop?

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My baby guinea pig is about 2 months old. I still have not confirmed the gender yet but it looks more like a she. When I bought my first baby guinea pig she was so tame, but this little fellow tends to nibble on me occasionally. Ever since my 1'st guinea pig saw my baby one I think she got jealous and starts running away from me or biting me hard (no blood). What is wrong with the older guinea pig and the younger one.





    She is probably just jealous and feels betrayed that another animal has come into the room it felt as its own territory.  It may feel the need to try to protect its territory from allowing any other unwanted guests to come in, even if that means you!  More than likely, she is just throwing a fit and will get over it sooner or later.  Make sure you still spend lots of time with her!  Oh, another reason she might be biting is because she smells the newbie on you.  Try washing your hands thoroughly if you play with the baby first.


    She's just exploring.  Just like any other baby out there (humans or animals) they test the world around them by putting it in their mouth.  Why?  Well, I'm not sure, but they do it.  This is a good time to train her not to bite.  Tap her on the nose when she nibbles on you, not hard, just enough to make her stop and think about what she just did.  This will discourage her biting habit and train her not to bite when she gets older so you don't have to when she draws blood!  She'll grow out of it though, yeah.  She's just exploring and there's nothing wrong with her.  Once she gets used to her new home and the things around her in her daily life, she should calm down on that. ^^

  2. I got a new guinea pig about the same age too, and I also have an older one.  Mine doesn't seem jealous, but I would suggest for you that you make sure you don't spend more time with your new guinea pig.  Make sure you don't put your new guinea pig in the same cage with your old guinea pig right away, guinea pigs can get territorial, get them used to each other on neutral ground, then after a few days clean the cage out really good and put them both in there, you don't want the cage to smell like the older guinea pig, or he can get territorial.

  3. She is a baby its like a dog bitting you when they are playing and they grow out of it so she will! Or she just likes your fingers!

  4. No. even my adult piggies do that. They are just looking for food and you probably smell yummy! :)

  5. The baby pig is just being a normal guinea pig. They all have different personalities, like people. Make sure you use germ-x or wash your hands before handling your pets. You might smell of some food or an unfamiliar smell. As long as he's not breaking skin and he doesn't look violent about it, you should be fine. Good luck!

  6. Mine do it alot... its either to tell you they are hungry, they need to pee....

    they might also be grooming you, since guineas sometimes do it to each other... means he likes you hehe

    Get the two piggies to play together, outside the cage

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