
My baby has Hic-ups! How do I get rid of them?

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My baby girl 3 weeks old is suffering from hic-ups, she has them contently for an hour or two at a time, and she cant sleep during these, is there anything I can do?




  1. I know people say not to do this but my daughter has the hicups all the time too. I give her just a little bit of water and they go away. It's something my mom told me she did with all her kids. And as she says, "she did it and we all survived."  

  2. there is nota lot you can do all babies get hiccups

  3. i use the gripe water it works real well it's for upset tummy's hic-ups  

  4. I've had the same problem and i find giving my little'un something more to drink either milk or cooled boiled water gets rid of them hope this works for you too Good Luck xx

  5. You cant do much. Just as a tip for the future, when you get to bottle feeding, get a Dr.Brown bottle. They prevent gas VERY well!  

  6. this is natural don't worry. Pick her up on your shoulders and tap her slightly on her back.  

  7. you CAN get rid of hiccups. Little Tummies Gripe water, Little remedies makes it. you can get it from Target or any pharmacy, its over the counter, it is made from ginger root and fennel, its completely all natural with no additives. My accupuncturist recommended, I double checked with my ped and they all said it was fine. It's supposed to help with gas too. I would give her the dosage when she had hiccups, she would reflux REALLY bad w/ hiccups, and they stopped instantly. just fyi my baby was only 1 week adjusted age ( my baby was preemie 9 weeks) and she was ok to take it.

  8. my daughter got them all the time tooo. there is nothing you can do just let them run there course. Good luck

  9. This works great!!!! My doctor said to fill a baby medicine syringe with water and squirt some in the back of baby's mouth! It usually only takes less that a one milliliter.  

  10. mine had them in my belly and has them a lot now; it's normal,...however it can be a symptom of reflux, so just be aware if you start seeing other probs....hth

    oh and they probably bother u more than her; my gal doesn't mind them at all...

  11. My son gets hiccups for an hour at a time aswell... they are horrible things. He cries in pain with them too and the health visitor told me that there is nothing you can do to stop them, they will stop on their own and it does not hurt the baby!

  12. I had massive problems with getting my 3 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting Paul into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  13. always worked for me a wet finger dipped in sugar and placed on tounge

  14. She could have reflux. My baby had them a lot and she has been diagnosed as having reflux. Also, she could be sucking in too much air when she is feeding. It's really more about prevention rather than cure with babies. I hope you get it sorted out soon.  

  15. Pat it on the back and try not overfeeding it. When all else fails, just surprise it.  

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