
My baby has been kicking super low recently. what gives?

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I have been getting kicks/punches either way low or up in my ribs. the low ones are sooo low it feels like he is trying to feel his way out of here. Has anyone else experienced this? is this just his position? is he checking out his exit route, lol?? what causes this?




  1. Yeah, I've been getting that, too.  I think he's just getting bigger.  I'm 35 weeks, now, and I've decided that being pregnant in the third trimester is about equivalent to tying up a 25 lb. turkey, throwing it in a burlap sack, and strapping it to your belly.  

    Of course, you wouldn't get the shortness of breath associated with no lung space, nor the super-low kicks that you mentioned, nor the bladder control problems, nor the insane hunger.  But, you'd at least get the weight and the poking.  

    I'm thinking about getting a turkey and letting my husband try it out... lol

  2. I am 30 weeks pregnant and feel exactly the same, my Dr. told me in may last visit that the baby turned head down and that the lowest are punches (not as hard but very , very low) and the ones around the ribs are obviously kicks... it feels awesome and it is perfectly normal , it does feel that the baby is looking for a way out . lol.  Enjoy it!

    God Bless!

  3. My daughter did kick really low sometimes, actually I guess it was an elbow or something.  But yes it did feel like she was going to push out sometimes.....

  4. Mine does the same. I actually went to the ER one time because it hurt sooooooooooo much but all turned out to be fine. I thought it was weird because of how high my tummy seems to be thats why I went. Dr said it is normal and only gets harder and more defined as time goes on complete with shooting pains in the v****a area which is also normal as long as there is not cramping and bleeding. The joys of pregnancy :)

  5. He is just getting bigger and trying to make room for himself. I always thought I felt fingernails and mine were going to break my water.

  6. my baby is doing the same things.  its really uncomfortable when hes kicking or pushing up against my ribs.  its just the baby getting bigger and moving around.

  7. yea some days i feel like she is trying to dig her way out. its like a tingly almost painful sensation in your really lower region. hard to describe but i think you know what im talking about. then the very next day shes jamed up in my ribs. how far along are you? your baby is probably running out of room and whenever he stretches out...your going to feel it either up high or down low

  8. its normal my ribs would get very sore he is just moving lower and getting comfortable dont worry

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