
My baby has bronchitis? please help?

by  |  earlier

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what can i do to help ease his wheezing? i have been to the doctor and he has given me ventolin, but between this how can i help him?




  1. when my son was 4 months old he had bronchiolitis and was in the hospital 3 day the only thing that made him more comfterble( other than the breathing treatments every 3 hours) was sleeping upright on my lap on the in a bouncy chair . and a cool mist vaporizer The hot steam made it harder to breath the doctor said that the heat can actually make the inflammation in the bronchi  worse making breathing  harder.

    I hope you little one feels better soon.

  2. Vicks Vapo Rub. On the chest, and back, below his shoulders.

  3. try a humidifier in his room. it does not work for all babies, so if it doesn't help within a day or two, stop using it coz it will just make everything damp. good luck and i hope he gets better soon.  

  4.    You can lightly pat his back to try to help break up anything that may be in his lungs and maybe take him to the bathroom and turn on the shower to make it hot cause the heat can help break it down as well.  

  5. lay him over your knees on his stomach and gently rub his back, this should ease some pressure on his lungs and sooth him at the same time

  6. Can you get a prescription for a neubilizer?  It's a machine that the baby can breathe in a medicated mist to help keep the lungs clear.  We got one and we use it whenever the cold starts to move into the lungs.

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