
My baby has knots in her b*****s, i have never noticed this before?

by  |  earlier

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she is 9 months old & i breastfeed.




  1. Right behind her nipple?  That is normal... it's a hormonal thing.  It'll go away.

  2. its normal my baby had the same thing and i took her to the doc and she said that babies have milk ducks also and you wont fill them after they get a little older ... and she was right

  3. My baby does too and the pediatrician checked her at her 9 month exam.  The pediatrician said it is probably from hormones.  My baby couldn't be breastfed.  They will check her again at her 1 year old exam, but don't think it's an issue.  They did ask if she ever had any blood in her diaper.  Has your baby had any blood in her diaper?  You should have the doctor check her at her next exam, but if there has been blood she should be seen earlier.

  4. Have never heard of this before.  I would make an appt with your Doctor for a check up.  

  5. Well I don't know what it is but you need to get her to a pediatrician ASAP. My freind was diagnosed with cancer at 6 weeks old so I would get her checked just to be on the safe side.

  6. What kind of knots? My niece and god daughter had little bumps, like small b***s when she was a baby. The doctor said it was normal, or not life threatening. They went away. You should check with her pediatrician.

  7. It is probably just the left over hormones from you during your pregnancy.

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