
My baby has large bottles - 7 or 8oz at 8 weeks! I'm worried he'll not make all the way to 4 or 6 months

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without solids. Anyone else out there have to give solids earlier than they should?




  1. Been there beforre. When they brought my first daughter fo me in the hospital and they told me that she should drink about i/2 of the bottle on the first feeding and she drank the WHOLE bottle down in like 1 or 2 minutes, I knew I was going to have a hungry baby on my hands. lol

    I began adding rice cereal to her formula at 3 months. That was the only way to fill her up. Otherwise I had to feed her every 2 hours like a breastfed baby.

    Talk to your pediatrician but I would add a tablespoon or 2 of cereal to his bottles.

  2. You shouldn't have to give solids until 4 months and even then it's only to get them used to chewing and all. Some babys just eat more than others. Our doctor and my husband's pedi when he was a child said the same thing "If he's hungry feed him!" Meaning...breast milk or formula. Try giving him a bottle more often to see if it satisfies him...if you're really your baby's doctor and ask. He/She will tell you exactly what to do to make your little one satisfied.

  3. Your son is fine!  My doctor told me to put my son on cereal at 3 months for that same reason and my son is still a big eater! He's 3 years old and 38 pounds and 42 inches tall- so he's not big but just tall actually I really dont know where he puts it! but if your still worried, call your babies doctor and ask there advice but starting cereal a little early wouldnt hurt as long as your baby can handle the thicker texture! You be the judge! Good luck!

  4. My son is on 6/7oz at 10 weeks, my eldest was on 9oz by 10 weeks.

    There is second milk you can go onto - ask your HV first though. It helped me get my eldest to 4 months but he needed solids then. He was having 9oz of 2nd milk every 3 hours!!

  5. i would go on your instincts , if you think he can manage some solids then try him on some. i gave solids early to both of mine and it never did them any harm.

  6. My daughter was having full bottles every 2 to 3 hours, there was no filling her, so the health visitor told me to give her baby rice just before she was 3 months. It was the only way to fill her up!

    And she's 18 now and perfectly healthy :-)

  7. Everyone I know has fed their 3 month olds baby rice.  It is the only way they settle.

  8. my daughter had the full 4 oz they gave her at the hospital for her first bottle and she wanted more, i couldnt breast feed her because i didnt have enough milk, i had to start putting cereal in her bottle at 3 months. shes 8 now and perfectly healthy

  9. try a thicker formula / fortifier for your breastmilk. you can get formula for hungry babies, it will say this in the tin! otherwise, start on baby rice.

  10. You can start to give them rice cereal at 4 months, my son vvas the same vvay and I started him on rice cereal about 3 in a half months and that helped and he did just fine on it.

  11. I know a few moms who had to give cereal in bottles when they got home from the hospital because their newborn was eating so much. Just don't ever prop the bottle up and walk away and be careful about choking. Also ask your pediatrician for advice.

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