
My baby has problems falling asleep?

by Guest34487  |  earlier

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my 10 week old has acid reflux and is on pepcid which works pretty well but one thing i noticed is that he has problems sleeping at night........he makes all these jerky motions......which keep him from getting a deep sleep............he usually ends up falling asleep at around 5am..........after exhaustion sets in.............any advice on how to get him to sleep.............i start work in a week..........and i have to get up early




  1. Have you tried swaddling him before you put him to bed, it will reduce the ability for him to jerk himself awake. Also try Mylicon, it's a homeopathic remedy for gas and upset tummies. I found it calmed all my kids when they were having trouble sleeping,

  2. welcome to the life of a parent. there is no quick answer to get your child to get him/her to sleep. children often have a hard time falling asleep if they have been over stimulated during the day (too many toys at once, going to a lot of strange places). try proping your child up so your baby isnt laying flat. that might help. we used a little bouncy seat for our child and it worked pretty well.

  3. I switched my son to soy formula which really helped. He was like a totally diff baby after a few days. He used to be so gassy that he would cry and scream when he would try to go pooh. He couldnt sleep well with all the gas he had but the soy seemed to work wonders for him. Good Luck

  4. You should lay him on your legs and massage his back and play him a soft slow song to help the baby relax .  

  5. first of its not good to sleep with babies in oyur bed, put them in thier crib, second play a lulubbyfrom a radio or ipod to put him to sleep. not falling to sleep is probably in his genes he could of gotten it from you or the dad, ask your parents how they put u to sleep. Good Luck!

  6. I have to say that swaddling also worked really well for me. My baby was the same and as soon as she was swaddled she went straight to sleep.

  7. I had similar problems with both of my babies. The more tired they were the more they jerked and so on. What really helped out was swaddling them.  You can use a thin blanket or purchase a swaddler with velcro. I used both.  This really comforted them.  As they got older it was no longer needed because they jerked less and were able to find their hands to suck on and soothe themselves with.

  8. I was told while pregnant by a woman, an old remedy, and it worked great for the baby, and me later with heartburn!

    Look on the side of a box of baking soda. It's the 1/2 tsp. of baking soda mixed with 1/2 cup (4 oz.) of water. Put this in bottle and shake really well. Give the baby about half of it. Save the rest for later use. There are NO side effects! Works like a charm.  Also, I found it mixes better with warm, not hot water. Good Luck!

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