
My baby has some mad hiccups?

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I have a 4 1/2 month old and she has some wicked hiccups...they can last up to an hour...I have tried gripe water to get rid if them-that used to work but not working so much anymore. Any suggestions?




  1. First of all are you sure that she didn't swallow anything? They can be caused if there is something stuck suck as food, a little peice of something she picked up off the floor, etc..? If it's possible then she will have to go to the doctor's...

    hiccups are caused by distension in the try putting your baby on her belly and rubbing her back, then flip her over and try twisting her hips (your trying to stretch her upper body)...but be careful not to hurt can play toes to her nose too if shes having fun...that usually got rid of my daughters hiccups...

    some advice from a doctor....

    For Infants

    Pat baby on the back. If your baby has the hiccups, hold her upright

    against your shoulder and pat her back gently, suggests Dr. Garcia.

    ''Some babies are prone to swallow a lot of air when they nurse or

    drink formula,'' he says. ''And too much swallowed air distends the

    stomach, which can lead to hiccups. Some gentle pats may help bring up

    the air and stop the hiccups.''

    Check the nipple. ''A baby may swallow too much air and hiccup if the

    hole in the nipple of the formula bottle is the wrong size,'' says Dr.

    Garcia. How can you tell? '' When you turn the bottle upside down you

    should get a drip, drip, drip of formula that gradually stops, rather

    than a free flow or no dripping at all,'' says Dr. Garcia. He

    recommends experimenting with different bottle and nipple types to see

    what works best for your baby.

    Go ahead and feed. Don't delay feeding your baby just because he has

    hiccups. ''Hiccups won't interfere with your baby's eating. And eating

    just might make the hiccups go away,'' says Michael J. Pettei, M.D.,

    Ph.D., associate professor of pediatrics at Albert Einstein School of

    Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York City, and co-chief of the

    Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Schneider Children's

    Hospital of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park,

    New York.


    But don't overdo feeding either. During the first few months of life,

    if your baby always gets the hiccups after eating, overfeeding may be

    the culprit. ''Try feeding your baby smaller portions, more

    frequently,'' advises Robert Wyllie, M.D., head of the Section of

    Pediatric Gastroenterology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio.

    ''If you suspect that you've been overfeeding your baby, try feeding

    him on demand rather than on a schedule you've created, and never push

    him to eat more than he wants,'' Dr. Wyllie adds."

  2. a little spoonful of sugar will do it, but i dont know if you want to give babe sugar...It sure works for me!

  3. heyy.. yeah i'm in the same boat.  my lil man has had hiccups since he was in the WOMB.. and they just dont stop. he has acid reflux too.  but this is what you should try to keep in mind... it doesnt bother them.  at least not as much as it bothers us.  

    they eventually go away, and until their tummies start adjusting and developing more, they're unfortunately going to be there.  but to ease your mind and maybe your daughters hiccups, try gently burping her.. and walking around with her looking over your shoulder, gently bouncing her up and done while tapping her back.  it works for dylan usually..

    and u can also use gas drops... when nothing else works (for hiccups, upset tummy, sleep, etc..) gas drops and then the binky right after have helped tremendously!! miracle fix for dylan!! haha.. maybe its the sucking motion that helps relieve the air pockets causing hiccups..

    either way, congrats... and they'll be stopped before you know it :)  

  4. try something GRIPE WATER. My son had really bad hiccups when he was born. I tried the gripe water and just a couple of mins after he took a dose, the hiccups were gone. It is all natural, so it has no medicine in it.  

  5. um.. u could try maybe giving her water and then trying to burp her

    Good Luck

    Hope this helps

  6. I would ask you doctor about them if they are getting worse. Sometimes it can be more then just hiccups. It could be something else. Just be safe and ask the doctor about them!

  7. Does she use a binky? Even your finger or a bottle nipple will do- wet it under water, and do a quick dip in sugar, let her suck on it. It only takes a little bit. We used to do that with my daughter when she had them, and it would almost always clear it up. Plus she was happy cause it tasted good and was a "treat". The amount of sugar is miniscule, so it doesn't do any harm. Just don't do it every time- try to wait ten to 15 minutes first and see if they go away first, otherwise she'll be demanding sugar binkies all the time, lol. And it doesn't make your child a sugar addict like I'm sure some people believe, lol, my daughter is 20 months old and doesn't like cake, icing, or ice cream, actually. She eats very few treats, her favorite being fruit snacks.

    Good luck!  

  8. This One Guy Had Hickup's For About 45 years World Record

  9. Stop with the gripe water! Hiccups are normal and do not bother your baby. The best way to stop the hiccups is to feed the baby. The nursing helps stop the hiccups.  

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