
My baby is 3 moths old and seems hungry even though he eats formula, should i put rice cereal in his bottle?

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My baby is 3 moths old and seems hungry even though he eats formula, should i put rice cereal in his bottle?




  1. No you should NEVER put cereal in the bottles. This could cause harm to the child. 3 months is too early to start cereal anyway. The earliest you should start is 4 months. Even then, you spoon feed to the baby. Maybe the baby isn't hungry, try rocking or swaddling the baby & just soothing him/her. When my son was that young and colicy I found bath time helped a lot..he loved the bath.

  2. NO NO NO NEVER put rice cereal in THE BOTTLE,your baby can choke,IF you do want to give him cereal spoon fed it to him.

  3. No. They put age specifications on baby food for a reason. Baby's digestive system is not well-developed enough to handle solids until around 6 months. Keep persisting with furmula - there is no harm in keeping him full this way

  4. no

    you never put cereal in the bottle

    too young as well no solids til 6 months

    increase the number of ounces per feed

    if your making 4  ounces make 6 instead

  5. Well, you will get alot of mixed answers, and probably some rude ones telling you no you shouldn't.

    I'm not going to tell you yes or no. It is a choice you'll have to make. But i will tell you that i did when my daughter was a little over 2 months. My daughter never choked on it, is not obese and has no allergies from feeding her cereal early and in a bottle.

    If you choose to, just make sure the nipple is big enough and that you are feeding her, DO NOT prop the bottle and leave the room for even a second.

    Like i said, it is your choice, if you think it will help her, then you can try it.

    But just ignore all the rude answers.

    Okay, you can bring on those thumbs down. lol

  6. Most people will advise you not to put cereal in a baby's bottle, but I have an eight year and when he was 3 months I started adding a little cereal to his bottles (about a teaspoon). I have a six month old nephew and my sister started adding cereal to his bottle at three months as well... the formula just wasn't enough. My mother and grandmother also did the same thing... You decide what's best for your situation.  

  7. Three months is too young to start on solids.  His immature digestive system isn't ready to handle them yet.  If he's still hungry, then increase the amount of formula you give him.

    And as others have already said, NEVER add cereal to his bottle.  Yes, I know our mothers and grandmothers all did it, but pediatricians do not recommend this practice anymore.  

  8. never put anything but milk in your babies bottle. if he is ready to wean then give him some rice mix it up with his formula and feed him off the spoon. he may gag a few time trying to get used to the new textures and tastes but it'll take a few tries before he gets it. be prepared for mess! : )

  9. No. You never EVER put rice cereal in a bottle. (Unless instructed to by the doctor to treat reflux.)

    If your baby is still hungry, rather than filling him with empty starch (which he can't digest) surely it would make more sense to offer him more formula.  If he can't eat more at a single sitting, then feed him more often.  He can safely have as much as 45-50 ounces a day, so don't worry about overfeeding him if he's hungry.

  10. I wouldn't put rice cereal in the bottle, i know they did it years ago, I think its just laziness. You can spoon feed your child. they usually spit it out the first few times, not because they don't like it, because they don't know how to handle that kind of object in their mouths (the spoon), just scoop it back up and put it back in their mouth. For beginners, make the consistency of the cereal very loose, having thick cereal may make them gag because of the texture.

    I am old fashion, i fed my boy's rice cereal at this age and they are fine and at the time they never had any problems. They weren't as hungry. If the pediatrician says ok, then go for it, who else would know better then the good old doctor.

  11. I gave both my boys cereal at about two months old but not in a bottle. I always heard they could choke so I never tried. One teaspoon of the cereal mixed real runny. It takes a little while to get them fed because you can only give small amounts at a time but...CEREAL+BATH= out like a light!!!

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