
My baby is driving me crazy!!! i think i hate her!

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i'm a mom to 5 my youngest is 6 month when i have her i was very depressed during pregnancy and after the pregnancy i end up with phychosis i take medications for it she was staying with my mom whjile i recover i'm bipolar too but this baby cries nonstop doesnt let me sleep and i'm so damm fustrated i talk with the dad and i told him to get the baby and take it far away from me and he always say yess but he still here working until like 8 at night and i'm all day taking care of this baby i dont want to take care of it maybe selfish but i'm getting out of control i neeed help what can i do i'm so nervous i dont want this baby anymore!!!!!!




  1. sounds like you need to talk to someone professionally.. I am sure you don't hate your baby.. I would check out crisis nursery's in your area or consider putting this child in day care

  2. Post-partum psychosis is no joke.  

    This is some heavy stuff to admit, but I am starting to see that it's a reality for many women.  I suggest you "rat yourself out"- call Children's Services, and a mental health agency, and tell them how you're feeling.  They should take measures to ensure that you get help, and your children are cared for while you're getting it.

    Will keep you and yours in my prayers.

  3. You mentioned in a previous question that she had been staying with your mother in Puerto Rico -- it would probably be best for all concerned if she gos back to stay again until you have gotten yourself sorted out.

  4. sweetie , calm down . and go get medical help . it could be post partum , and that is normal. call some friends or family to relieve you for an hour or two to go get your hair /nails done. or something to make you feel better. it's not that you dont want your baby anymore , it's just that you are more than likely overwhelmed !! get some help , and make time for you !!! good luck !!!

  5. Wow... The fact that you would say that is disturbing. You need to get your baby in good hands right now, and get some help for yourself! But you shouldn't be caring for that baby feeling the way you are!  

  6. I'm usually against putting kids so young in day care. But for you, in your circumstances this might be a good idea. check out several day care facilities (preferably spend the day there with your baby to see how the caretakers are handling your baby (and how they handle the other babies too!!) and when you find a center with loving care givers, entrust them with your baby during the day time hours. Then find a day program for yourself where you can get the emotional, and psycological support that you so desparately need, and also try to find a creative outlet that will allow you some inner happiness, then in the evening you'll be relaxed, and the baby will be relaxed and you'll be able to enjoy each other's company.

    email me if you want to talk more.  

  7. you need to call someone to come get your kids. if they will be longer than a couple minutes have a neighbor sit with them. you need to call your doctor right now and tell him the truth. don't hold back. your meds probably need adjusting and you may need to stay in the hospital for a few nights. this is an emergency. your kids could end up hurt or dead. depression/phychosis is a disease its not "all in your head". if you were having a heart attack you would call for help. this is just as important. you have 6 peoples lives at risk. get help right now.  

  8. You need to get your kids into safe hands.  You are not emotionally stable right now and your kids are at risk.  Then go get yourself some help.  The hospital would be a good choice.

  9. please call your mom and tell her what is happening and ask her to help with the baby again - if she can't ask another friend or relative you trust and then see your doctor as soon as possible.  being a mom is the hardest job and i have to ask for patience daily but she is only a baby is not trying to annoy you she just has alot of needs and with four other children you sound very overwhelmed.  you need a break to heal yourself so you can be the mommy your kids need and deserve.  If you don't have anyone to help after you ask your family/friends and you feel desperate call the hospital and check yourself in, they will place your children with family members and/or foster care until you are better.  You were dealing with postpartum psychosis not that long ago and it is not something to take lightly.  It sounds like you are still having difficulty with depression.

  10. You owe it to yourself, but especially your baby, to get help immediately. Please go to the hospital, TODAY-you are human, it's okay to feel this way. Please just do it before you get pushed over the edge and something happens that you can't take back. You are amazing for being able to handle 5 children at all-it's okay to ask for a little help when you need it. Good luck, and please don't put it off-get help today, you will feel better. There will be many people at the hospital who understand and can help you.  

  11. If you are 22 years old and you already have FIVE kids, what in the h**l are you doing having another one?  Also, you keep posting questions about the possibility that you may be pregnant AGAIN! If you hate your youngest who is 6 months old, WHY DON'T YOU GET ON BIRTH CONTROL or be more responsible and STOP having kids so you don't neglect and potentially abuse them.  You have enough to take care of so stop the possibility of getting pregnant Miss Postpartum Bipolar I hate my baby.  COME ON!

  12. yeah someone really needs to step in and get the baby while you get help, my mom is bipolar so I know kind of what you going through, you might need to get put on some meds and you might be suffering from post depression after the baby.

  13. You need to talk to a medical professional ASAP!  They can get you the help you need and make sure your baby is safe.  I would call someone right now...even 911 if you have to because it sounds like you are very upset and can't handle this on your own.  It's important that you get help and your baby gets the care she needs.  Don't wait until things get worse...ask for help!!

  14. I just had a baby 3.5 months ago, I wasnt prepared for a baby who cried alot, mostly due to colic. He also wouldnt sleep through the night, longest he ever slept was 2 hours straigh, so I was very depressed, frustrated, and the lack of sleep was making me ill.

    I understand your need to just give up. Believe me it WILL get better, you have to realise your baby needs you, needs the love from you. I never ever regretted having my baby, hes my pride and joy. When he was coliky I just thought to myself that it wouldnt last forever, eventually they grow out of it.

    And the same goes for you and your baby, she will get better with time, and you will get better sleeps. Get some help from friends, and family, have a evening out while your mom looks after her.

    Its always best to make time for yourself too.

    5 kids sounds to me enough for you, get a good source of protection to stop yourself from getting pregnant again.

    And if you feel you may harm you or your baby, please seek help, let your family look after baby until your well rested. All what you say now about not wanting it anymore, its not your true emotions, your just exhausted to the point you want to give up.

    I know its hard to bond with a screaming baby, but IT WILL GET BETTER. Just concentrate on you and your baby, dont think of anything else.

    When your baby sleeps, you sleep, and if your partner is available let him have her for an extra few hours, while you sleep more.

    Get medication for depression from doctors, ask for help from nurseries.

    I wish you luck. Dont give up.

  15. You need to call your doctor this morning and tell them what you told us. You sound overwhelmed as most of us would be with that many babies. If this is truly more than you can handle then consider another family for the baby. Get yourself help and have someone who isn't this frustrated take care of baby for a while. Do not feel guilt, that is the best thing. Get your baby to a safe place away from you so you don't get lost in the moment and do anything stupid.  

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