My baby is having Eczema,It started with the cheeks,near elbows and near knees.While I was applying(as suggested by pediatrician),it didn't get better on face,rather the around eyes also I could see its effect.Since the part is very itchy,he continues to rub it,which made his eyes to be swollen..
When I took him to the doc,she said,it might be Eczema and some allergic reaction in eyes,and she prescribed Optivar 0.05% drops.I used it for 2 days and it didn't get much better,but the itchiness controlled.I took him to the doc again today,she said,its nothing to do with allergic stuff,it is Eczema only,since its near eyes also,my baby is continuously rubbing,and the eyes are swollen.She confirmed that its not pink eye.
Now she had asked us to use the Cultivate 0.05% ointment and also asked us to give Children's bendryl so that itchyness will be controlled and the ointment also should take care of Eczema.
She also asked us to book the appointment with dermatologist to make sure he is ok,since its the long weekend this weekend,I might get the dermatologist appt next week.Till that time,doc asked me to use this,she said,it will take care of Eczema and itchiness,thus swelling also will be gone.
I read on the net that Cultivate is a steroid cream,not sure if i can use for babies.Mine is 13 months..I am really me Moms...