
My baby is having more wet diapers than dirty this a problem?

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She is 5 weeks old . She had had 3 dirty diapers and 5-6 wet ones. Is this a problem ?? I'm breastfeeding her she used to have 5-6 dirty diapers ( wet as well) and 3 just wet one.

thanks for your help




  1. Thats completely normal. They will be fewer and farther between the older she gets

  2. No, that's normal.

    Don't be surprised if, in a few weeks, she goes down to 1 dirty diaper a day- or even less.  Around 6 weeks, my youngest started pooping only once a week (also breastfed) and he did that until we started solids.  It was nice not having to change so many poopy diapers!

  3. no not at all a problem, my daughter usually only had about 2 poopy diapers a day, as they get older you will see it span out more to about 1 poopy diaper every day or even every other day... both are perfectly normal. Good luck!

  4. No, you'll find that she will have less and less dirty nappies. My baby is breast fed and used to go five days without a dirty nappy but now that she's on solids she goes at least once a day. You will also find that your baby will not have as many dirty nappies when she is teething. It is a good sign that she has alot of wet nppies. If they stop becoming wet then contact your doctor or the hospital asap.

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