
My baby is named Aoife?

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I love my baby's name, Aoife (eeffa)-Marie. It is perfect for her, but my husbands family and many co-workers have made negative comments saying how I've set her up for a difficult life. When I tell strangers her name, they say how beautiful it sounds, but then when I tell them how it's spelled, they frown at me. People also say it's good that her middle name is Marie in case she wants to use it. This really pisses me off. It's a name she will be proud of because of her Irish heritage, and it is common in Ireland (where I am from but not living in right now). People are so rude sometimes. What is a good response to people like this. Some of the people I really care about, and it upsets me!

I could use without any negative comments please.




  1. It sounds and looks like a lovely name for your daughter. I'm not sure what you could tell those people. Sorry. But I think it's great that you made her Irish heritage a part of her name. It's what makes her special.

  2. It's a great name! I know several Aoife's and I'm not in Ireland either.  

  3. I like the name and i dont think she will change it when she is older. Does it have a meaning? like brave one or anything like that as you could explain the meaning to help them understand or appreciate it?  

  4. PFF whatever.. People can suck it. Irish names are wonderful. Seriously, people suck, and I'm sorry they're rude to you. That's a pretty name.

  5. thats a awesome name i love different ones! I got teased about my kids names , Trinidy, Daytin and Gage they were too different for people

  6. from my experience... i have a "unique" name .. and i really hate it. how no one can say it right and no one can spell it right ... i dont have a middle name either so im pretty much stuck with this crappy name my parents thought would be nice

  7. It's a beautiful name, I live in England and I've heard of it. People may strugle with spelling it but so what. If they say anything just say, "well I think its a beautiful, traditional name."

  8. If it is spelled like that in Ireland, then that is what you tell people. When she is old enough, she tells people too. It does sound beautiful.  

  9. I love the name Aoife, I'm Irish, and it's definitely one of the names I'd pick if I ever have a baby girl.  I wonder how many of the people giving out about the spelling would call their kids fake Irish names like Erin, Kyle, etc?

  10. Don't worry about it, they are just boring and don't appreciate why you would like that name, so don't listen. They should stop making negative comments after a time. I'm familiar with that name and I live in Australia. Having an unusual name can be cool. It can be annoying if people don't know how to pronounce or spell a name, but I don't think it will be annoying enough that it will put her off.

    It's possible your daughter might want to change it, but it's likely she'll be proud of it. One actress I can think of with a traditional Irish name is Saoirse Ronan - people are learning the spelling and pronunciation, she hasn't changed it or anything.


  11. Congragulations on the baby!

    That sounds horrible people can be really rude,

    I personally like it very much,

    I would tell them to stuff it, :D

    But a nicer way is to just tell them what you wrote,

    it is a common irish name and you are proud of your heritage so thats why you named her that.

    Or you could tell them that you'd rather her have a name she could live up to, because it is most likely uncommon in whatever country you are living in so she can be her own person.

    Honestly how many Jessicas, Rebeccas, Kates and Marys are their in the world!

    This way your daughter can be a one of a kind unique beauty.

    Seriously don't listen to them I love it, and hopefully you can make them learn to love it too :)


  12. Explain that it is an Irish name and that you didn't just go and make it up! Be proud of your selection and don't let others make you feel that you did the wrong thing. It is hard to ignore some comments but try your best.

  13. dont listen

  14. if they frown on it just say you love that name and its your child plus it fits her if they don't like it then it shouldn't matter to you  

  15. Ugh, I'm sorry you are getting that response.

    People will always have their opinions, and will always share them with you.  I'm sure you got a lot of looks when you did xyz while pregnant.

    No advice; you just can't let it get to you.

  16. I would say "It's a beautiful Irish name - I wanted to her to remember her heritage." Conan O'Brien and the actress Moira Kelly both have Irish names and they aren't exactly unsuccessful people. Or just say,"I love it, sorry you don't." Names that are popular in other countries sound unusual to people in the states sometimes, like the Italian name Andrea for a boy.

  17. i like it, some kids may make fun of her as a kid, but it is a really cool name, will make her stand out, and makes her unique.

  18. Aoife is a beautiful name. Ignore the naysayers. Your child will one day thank you for letting her heritage live on in her name and not making her another Madison/Ava/Emily clone.

  19. Hi, Just because some people can't get their heads around the way Aoife is spelled as opposed to sounds I wouldn't let that bother me, its their loss, let them get over it.

    It is a beautiful name and whats more it cannot be shortened to something horrible like a lot of other names can.

    Good Luck.

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