
My baby is now 2 year old will i send her in playgroup is suitable age for sending in school?

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My baby is now 2 year old will i send her in playgroup is suitable age for sending in school?




  1. i think if your baby can walk already...then its fine to send him/her to a playgroup....i sent my child at that age.

  2. At two years old, the child needs to still stay around the mother for longer, but the playgroup will enhance her ability to learn. I would recomment sending her to playgroup next year, when she is 3 years old. She can then enter school at the age of 4, to carry on her education.

  3. I think that you should wait for another year and send her school when she is three years old. In the age of two child still needs to play at home. One of my cousin started sending her daughter to school at the age of two. In play group the teachers told him that she will learn nothing and she is too young for school. If things are taught before age the picking ability becomes weak and then a person has to suffer for it.

    I hope you will obey my advice by sending her school next year.

  4. It depends on your child.

    - Is she/he excited about going to school?

    - Does she/he have an older sibling/cousin who is going to school and wants to do the same?

    - Do you feel she/he gets adequate quality time at home (learning through play, learning with friends, conversation etc.)

    If you feel that your child will enjoy a playgroup, then by all means send him/her in at 2 years of age. My eldest son loved the whole idea of going to school and he loved going to school from the moment we enrolled him at age 2.

    I also have a one year old, who seems to be a more cautious time, happier at home than out and about. I will probably wait till he's three in order to ease the transition between home and school.

    The risk of getting a bad teacher, someone who does not nurture a child, exists at each stage of education. There is as much a chance of getting a bad teacher at the age of 3 as there is at the age of 2. Children are impressionable, and therefore you have to be prepared to counter any negativity experienced in school with a positive and supportive home environment...

    Other than that, do whatever you think is best for your child.

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