
My baby is now 4months old, my belly is big & I have to reduce my weight, how can i reduce ?

by Guest32597  |  earlier

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My baby is now 4months old, my belly is big & I have to reduce my weight, how can i reduce ?




  1. Pls dont take any medicine or any pill to reduce weight only physical activites will be best for weight loosing and no need to diet. And you can exercies only for your stomac and for your lower part you can easyly learn this exercies in any martial art center. Pls remember one thing you have litte baby so dont take any medicine for weight control and no need to diet.Only physical exercies only for 15 minutes

  2. Give yourself time! Your body still hasn't recovered from the birth fully, because you are so lacking in sleep. You've had a baby. You are supposed to look like you've had a baby! Start with some gentle yoga or pilates. Stop when you get too tired. Looking after your baby is supposed to be a priority. Weight loss, like housework, gets done when it gets done.

  3. breastfeed...i breastfeed and my baby belly was gone in the first 2 lie!

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