
My baby is starting preschool on wednesday she is 4 any suggestions?

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My baby is starting preschool on wednesday she is 4 any suggestions?




  1. YES.........Have lots a tissue and a high charge on the digital camera or a lot of film in the camera.  Its going to be an emotional rollercoaster.  It's like little grown people in their own little world when they start preschool.  Everything is adjusted down to there size.  Girl......Im gonna cry all over again.

  2. The teachers will see a big girl, or boy, coming in the door, but they will also realize that it is your baby you are leaving in their care.  It will be alright.

  3. prepare for a lot of crying that's for sure.

  4. i am not a mom at all im 11 but have lots of time with kids.

    just encourage them always tell them good job write little doodles and notes in lunches

    and hugs and kisses do the trick

    hope this helps

    wish you the best of luck


  5. I teach first grade and our preschool teachers are very kind and supportive.  She will love it.  You can probably stay the first day or so for a bit if u want, but she will be fine.  There will be new toys...etc

  6. yea bring cupcakes lol

  7. Just have a very positive attitude about it when you're with her. talk about all of the fun things she will do at school, and all of the new friends she will make. if you're excited, she will be too.

  8. Well, so far I've gotten from my son's teacher (he started prek 4 last week) that he needs to learn how to use scissors.

  9. make sure she can share because that can be a big problem when there are other kids around.

  10. when you take your baby the first day take alot of kleenex with you

  11. I checked out every available "My first day at school" books from the library that I could find. (My 4 yr old daughter got to choose every night which bedtime books she wanted, so she always chose a positive book about school)

    Let her know that you trust her teacher.  (I let her believe that I already knew her teacher, though I don't know where she got that from)  Your actions do speak ALOT louder than words!  If you talk her to death about how "it's gonna be ok", then she'll pick up  that there is something to be worried about.  Try to remain calm, even though you might be nervous.

    I'm not sure which children's book it came from, but in one, the mommy put a kiss in both palms of her son's for now, and one for later-kept in his pocket.  This was a comfort thing that we started right before the school year began.  Now she's giving me "pocket kisses".

    With my child, being first to the room was the easiest transition.  She cannot handle lots of commotion, and if you're one of the last ones in, there's chaos waiting to greet your little one first thing in the morning.

    We always say goodbye outside the door.  That way, as soon as we're in (and after one last quick kiss), she can put her backpack and lunchbox in her cubby and get started playing.  

    As soon as she "breaks away" from you that first morning, walk away.  MAKE SURE THAT YOU'VE ALREADY SAID GOODBYE!!!  

    Remember, not all parents have a nervous breakdown when their children start school.  But, If you have any doubts about ANYTHING, just hang around for the rest of the day around school (mine prefers in your car) What would it hurt?

    I hope it goes well for the both of you!

  12. Make sure you help her to understand you will be back for her. Some kids don't understand this and are miserable for the first 15 min and up to an hour. You could give her something to keep in her backpack or cubby to look at when she misses you (a picture or special toy.)

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